Your 14.05 report detailing arrests and police violence at Euston station has already been Scrubbed/removed/rewritten. It would seem that the spirit of '1984' is alive and well amongst you smelly, workshy, immature bastards...
Grow up and get a job... in any order you like!
Fred Leicester - would have been working in London today but you spoiled it for me!
Well, perhaps you would be happier reading the news at or both of whom have got totally conflicting reports of what is going on!
Who can you trust?
You should have come to London and seen for yourself.
I totally agree with you amongst millions of others I have got an Idea if it's monopoly they want to play lets give them monopoly money in there dole cheques I don't know about you but loosing a few hundred a month in tax from my wages paying for people who spray up monuments like Winston Churchill is not my idea of a good cause get a job you bunch of scruffy mother F%*kers.
I think we should spare a thought for those Police not lucky enough to pick a winning draw ticket to work today...and while they have the smelly, good for nothing herberts in one place should deal with their own spirit of 1984 and reenact the baton charge !
I know several people who are in London protesting today.
None of them is on the dole.
None of them intends to vandalise any monuments.
What they do intend to do is peacefully protest about issues which they feel are important. They are being intimidated, photographed, physically prevented from leaving overcrowded areas and searched because they want to make their point.
The authorities are using selective reporting to ensure that people like you believe that they are only there to cause trouble. If they succeed in this (as they seem to have in your case) they will be able to use the full force of riot police againt legitimate, peaceful protests.
i think that these ignorant money hungry people should take a step back and realise just how shallow they sounding. Its International Workers day and all around our planet, people are showing big business etc that they can't continue exploiting and putting profits before people. So what if you miss a single day of work toiling for these capitalist bastards think yourself lucky you don't live in a 3rd world country where people are starving and dying because of international corporations. Stand proud under the black flag of freedom my friends!!!!!!!!!
Defacing a monument to a bloke who led other people in a war against fascism was very stupid. But broadly many people have sympathy with the idea that capitalism is out of control. Why should we put up with extreme inequality and environmental destruction when all we get in return is Big Macs, HearSay and a level of political discourse that cannot encompass serious debate the downside of our economic system. By the way I like the way you slag off the workshy while spending your work hours on the internet looking at radical politics site - will you employer really think that is a valuable use of their time and money?
Yeah you got it wrong I am not at work today cause of this so my boss is only upset with you lot so your opinons so bloody many of them all conflicting and contradicting each other which is not helping address the real problems of the world just a very blurred visioned stereotype of you people and what you stand for and the only thing that stands out is the fact many are being left stranded in london or at home and beautiful monuments being defaced and buildings smashed up I remember a reclaim the streets protestor inviting me to a party after the demo many years ago as I was walking home and I asked how was he getting to the party and he said in a camper van mmmmmmmmm that sounds enviromently friendly don't it. well untill you lot have argued and squabbled amongst yourselves what you really do support in the world then millions are going to to judge you how they do now scruffy , unemployyed , drunk , smelly , violent, students, 16-17 year olds with to much to say about nothing in particular 20-40 yeah olds who feel they have missed the boat I am sorry this is the image I did not creat you and the media played off each other. You will have to get rid of this image some how I have no answer but you need a real direction. anyway nice talking to you all and sorry to upset you all.
So against direct action? Well without it women would not have the vote, we would all be down mines chiselling coal with our teeth 18 hours a day if tolpuddle did not occur. A bit like what 100's of millions of kids are doing today in the third world. Still never mind us with job, with credit cards and a BWM do not give a sh1t so long as we are consumimg who cares!. Get a life get, get out there and do something!.
I wonder how many of our "fellow workers" here are actually cops stirring up discord between us. Or people who have become police in their souls... policing their own thoughts, emotions and dreams.
Resistance is contagious and it is good. I was in Quebec City protesting against the free trade area of the americas two weeks ago, and I saw ordinary people in the streets throwing rocks and bricks at police who were using plastic and rubber bullets indiscriminantly. Yes, not just the so-called scruffy and jobless students, but whole neighbourhoods in active resistance. Cheers to the "hooligans" because they are tomorrows revolutionary heroes.
I was one of the thousands who were illegally imprisoned without charge yesterday in Oxford circus. I threw nothing, broke nothing, and had not done anything remotely illegal. I do not smell,I have a job (self employed), I pay taxes (albeit reluctantly sometimes) and it is far too simple for those that for some reason feel the need to take sides with the establishment to condemn us all as stinky yobbo dole scroungers. You will begin to wish that was true as more and more "ordinary" people are beginning to see that the results of capitalism steaming unchecked through our enviroment and civil liberties is extremely serious and will continue to clog the wheels of industry as often as possible until the majority of public oppinion is persuaded that things have to change.
I'm a bit fed up with people whinging on about the violence and criminal damage at last years Mayday protest. As is often pointed out, the vast majority of protesters are non-violent. I was in Holles Rd this year (for longer than I would have prefered) when two blokes climbed onto the storefront balcony of John Lewis' and started tearing bits of metal and wood off and chucking them down. Despite the fact that we had broken no laws and still been coralled without access to toilets etc. for several hours, one person shouted his condemnation of the vandalism and most people there expressed their agreement with a chorus of booing. And anyway, the damage last year wasn't that much. Churchill wasn't a very nice man (ask the Kurds or the Bengalis) and McDonald's can afford a new window easily enough. I'm not necessarily supporting these actions, merely pointing out the levels to which they have been exaggerated and protesters generally demonised, largely by the main stream media with its emotive and often absurd reporting.
Hope you all stuck to your principles and WALKED to London. If it wasnt for us capitalist scum then you would not have the web now would you either! Especially not FREE web access, or hospitals to fix you up once you get your heads kicked in by police men protecting our businesses, landmarks and visitors. Oh, and it's my taxes by the way that pay your legal aid now you want to sue the police. Grow up, get a job or go and live in the desert where you wont have to suffer trainers, cars or the benefits system. If you want to help give to charity like al of us or go do some voluntary work. Maybe thats the point - it's just an excuse to cause anarchy. YOUR ALL A WASTE OF SPACE.
I would like to begin with if you are not scruffy , unemployyed , drunk , smelly , violent,a student, 16-17 year old with to much to say about nothing in particular 20-40 year old who feel they have missed the boat then you must be a Nike trainer wareing, mobile phone using, internet browsing, meat eating, employed Record Breakerrrrrr!!!!!! Er no Hypocrit. You lot are just the same as I was in my day as a raver 12 years ago except I grew up and out of it with many others. So don't thing your first and are original you'l see you should remember this as I told you first.
I often wonder what sort of imbosiles believe the shit thats fed to them through the media.Now i know.If u two had even a basic understanding of any of the issues,then u might change yr tune.Ignorant wankers.
get a life ? that means one like yours , a bigotted shallow affair no doubt that you use as an excuse to carry on living.Marching to your inevitable graves after 'doing a bit of shopping,fucking and bitching'.No thanks ...I'd rather be on the dole and think for myself. get a job? yeah,that's what makes the world go round , a cog in the machine till death!what the fuck are the convictions that make you slaves grind your bodies to the bone till death??Is it the 'crumbs'the machine drip feeds you,cars,property,entertainment,cinema,clubs,porn,paying music festivals? fuck that for a life !meanwhile all you slaves are being hearded from this event to that event in your quest for satisfaction(SiC)people are suffering and dying because they have no choice but to work for the world wide money machine in a desperate attempt to improve their own living conditions and welfare,they're crawling up a muddy hole that they can't get out of!...they make your shoes and clothes and pick coffee beans and in return-get a beating,get 5 hrs sleep a night and are confined to the sweatshop patrolled by the capitalist thugs that reap the proffit from the workers and reap even more from the sale.FuCk this world you live in where you think this is ok,this is about looking for alternatives and offering hope,but all you slaves can offer is THE SAME OLD SHIT.
''tv,cars,property,entertainment,cinema,clubs,porn,paying music festivals? fuck that for a life.''
What a fucking prick you are - so where do you live then in a cardboard box. How the hell are you corresponding to this bulletin board if you haven't access to a computer. Your morals must be a real drag at parties - oh I forgot you don't subscribe to that way of life. Jesus, it's people like you that encourage capitalism - mainly just to get on your tits. Your holier than thou attitude is commendable however, if only to perpetuate the fact that all you anti-capitalist mob are completely insane. Stop feeling guilty about things and start living. Bitterness is a terrible thing.
ps I earn a good wage and am quite happy with the way things are going. After all, who shops at Gap anyway the clothes are shite and McDonalds burgers aren't exaclty haute cusuine. Like they say if you really don't like these things don't use 'em. Simple and effective.
hahah ... more of THE SAME OLD RETARDED SHIT I see coming from 'members of the general...ZzZzZzZz .. .. .'.PLZ don't be like me , I'm fucked up because of the way the system runs us all into the ground in the middle of a vast universe,'somewhere'in space...I'm looking for answers/alternatives to these fucked up systems,at least I admit I'm fucked up,most of you 'members of the general...ZzZzZz..are completely off your trolleys,condone violence,consume corpses of living creatures,fuck your neighbours wives,work then die,and claim you're the sanest people around!''hehe''...being part of an exploitative system is easy to hide behind and shake your fists at any one who thinks differently,but you're hardly living your'own'life are you...nothing but a fucking bunch of puppets spouting the same old shit with only a 'government system'and a whole HEAP of ignorance to back you up ...k,die like that , I don't give a fuck...;0
You obviously do give a fuck or why bother protesting or even bothering to reply to these e-mails. Stop feeling guilty that you are better off in this country than in others. Alternatively go to the countries that are in trouble and actually help rather than your pathetic attempts at protest here.
I must admit i'm pretty pissed off at the narrow minded view of the majority of many people on this board. Apparently if you oppose capitalism they you are a smelly student, doll wadder or aging hippy.
I think the best way to explain my stance is not to re-itterate the issues, but to explain WHY i think like this. For the last 3 years i have worked in a major PC Retail outlet, and was one of their top salesmen. I could sell systems with support packages that cost £500 upwards to people with frightening ease, purely because of their limited knowledge in PC's (sales package = 100% profit for the company). I really bought into the whole sales philosophy of WINNING sales, thinking that every customer that came in the door had MY money in their pocket, and it was up to me to make them part with it. Then a couple of thing happened that really made me think.
1) About two years ago all stores were asked to design an 'ideal' support package brochure, with a prize for the top three entries. Myself and another colleague worked on one for a few weeks (a lot of which in our spare time), and produces a slick professional brochure, which we then sent off. Months passed and we still hadn't heard who won. In fact nobody had. The area managers said they'd just get back to us. Eventually, the new sales brochure came out, and i noticed that it incorporated many of the features we put in ours.
2) The company began to restructure the commission payments every few months. In essence, we'd have to work twice as hard to earn pretty much the same as we'd been getting before. Then they introduced 'super copmmision' to componsate for this. Get 120% of target and you'd get a bonus (you needed to get 80% of target to get paid at all). This sounded pretty good, until we started doing well and approaching the target. That month they increaced the target four times. No-one got super commision.
3) Sales training. Went to learn a few tricks of the trade, such as how to fake sincerity and avoid certain questions. Like a politician.
4) Times get tought. The powers that be ask yours truly to commit industrial espionage by stealing figures and documents from a rival company. Yours truly declines.
5) Yours truly is accused of leeking documents to a rival company, this accusation is based on me having a friendship with someone att the rival company (who used to work for us).
6) We have two assistant managers. One leaves. Someone is picked for promotion to his posistion, however, head office decides that it will now only have one assistant manager, plus a senior sales. Staff member is promoted to senior sales, only to find that it is the assistant manager job with a different title and several grand less in salary.
I must admit i'm pretty pissed off at the narrow minded view of the majority of many people on this board. Apparently if you oppose capitalism they you are a smelly student, doll wadder or aging hippy.
I think the best way to explain my stance is not to re-itterate the issues, but to explain WHY i think like this. For the last 3 years i have worked in a major PC Retail outlet, and was one of their top salesmen. I could sell systems with support packages that cost £500 upwards to people with frightening ease, purely because of their limited knowledge in PC's (sales package = 100% profit for the company). I really bought into the whole sales philosophy of WINNING sales, thinking that every customer that came in the door had MY money in their pocket, and it was up to me to make them part with it. Then a couple of thing happened that really made me think.
1) About two years ago all stores were asked to design an 'ideal' support package brochure, with a prize for the top three entries. Myself and another colleague worked on one for a few weeks (a lot of which in our spare time), and produces a slick professional brochure, which we then sent off. Months passed and we still hadn't heard who won. In fact nobody had. The area managers said they'd just get back to us. Eventually, the new sales brochure came out, and i noticed that it incorporated many of the features we put in ours.
2) The company began to restructure the commission payments every few months. In essence, we'd have to work twice as hard to earn pretty much the same as we'd been getting before. Then they introduced 'super copmmision' to componsate for this. Get 120% of target and you'd get a bonus (you needed to get 80% of target to get paid at all). This sounded pretty good, until we started doing well and approaching the target. That month they increaced the target four times. No-one got super commision.
3) Sales training. Went to learn a few tricks of the trade, such as how to fake sincerity and avoid certain questions. Like a politician.
4) Times get tought. The powers that be ask yours truly to commit industrial espionage by stealing figures and documents from a rival company. Yours truly declines.
5) Yours truly is accused of leeking documents to a rival company, this accusation is based on me having a friendship with someone att the rival company (who used to work for us).
6) We have two assistant managers. One leaves. Someone is picked for promotion to his posistion, however, head office decides that it will now only have one assistant manager, plus a senior sales. Staff member is promoted to senior sales, only to find that it is the assistant manager job with a different title and several grand less in salary.
7) Overtime is banned, one division of the company is sold off, 300 made redundant at head office, three divisions of the company are liquidised, making hundreds more redundant. 32 extra stores also closed the following week.
8) Discover the director fo the company is one of the 50 richest men in britian.
9) Remaining stores to be overhauled and refitted. Email is sent round asking for one hard working staff member from each store to work on a merchandising squad which would carry out the refits. 'hard working' entails 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week until the end of the month.
These experiences have left me thoroughly disgusted with capitalism. I gave it a real good shot, worked hard, and instead of getting praise for working hard, staff got the finger and told to work even harder. We calculated that to give every staff member a one pound an hour raise, would cost under a million a year. Affordable for one of the richest men in britain, no? We wouldn't want to hurt those lovely profits and executive bonus's though would we.
My parents have also worked incredibly hard their entire lives, and have precious little to show for it, worked ridiculous hours on pitiful wages in order to make somone else richer. They are not alone, and i am not alone. I am sick of seeing my free time as some sort of gift that my employer gives me. It is my right as a free man.
People in Britian work longer hours than the rest of europe, get paid proportionately less, and pay on average 40% more for goods than the rest of europe, and i am PISSED OFF with this.
And that's only one reason. Since then i've learned about the Nike and GAP sweatshops, Monsato's terminator gene, manipulative PR and advertising practices used by multinationals, international copyright law, the sale of AIDS drugs to africa, the scrapping of the ultra vires law in 1989, the CEO of walmart having more wealth that the worlds 34 poorest countries, and a host of other really heavy shit.
A wise man one said, 'i care about the future, because that's where i'm going to spend the rest of my life'. If you let multimationals and the government get away with shit like this now, what's it going to be like in 50 or 100 years time?
So if you don't give a shit about your own future, care because the world you create is the one your children will have to live in.
's' ...yes , I do give a fuck , and I try to help others in my own country as much as I can . just another dirty tramp offering you an alternative that works :]-boycott the products that feed oppresion - create peace in your area - re-think EVERYTHING you've been told - be your-self
Jack, I hate to tell you this but probably 95% of these "scum protesters" actually have jobs... and homes... and showers - good grief, could it be true that we are human after all?
So people who have no concept of the cultural depth behind the protest movement - they're afraid enough to condemn it out of hand without even bothering to look at the issues or the people.
You are showing all the classic symptoms of Daily Mailitus - the desire to protect your own idea of self worth, by defending the lifestyle you have been told to desire and accept - it's nice for you isn't it? You feel you have made your place for yourself in the world, and that we threaten it - it is because you don't want to accept some uncomfortable truths about what rich western lifestyles cost the rest of the world? Hence it's much easier to settle down into self-righteous hatred of Others Who Are Different.
You should come along and dance to the samba band and feel what it's like to be alive.
Come on mate, cheer up and have a think about your place in the Cosmic Theatre ; )
Thank you for that comment "Blinded by Capitalism." It happens every day in this world where ppl try to rip off ppl for their own gains. I hope u told them to f**k off.
Hide the following 29 comments
Rewriting history already?
01.05.2001 13:40
Grow up and get a job... in any order you like!
Leicester - would have been working in London today but you spoiled it for me!
At least you get a holiday
01.05.2001 13:45
01.05.2001 13:45
Who can you trust?
You should have come to London and seen for yourself.
Get a life, and a mind, in any order.
Good boy Fred
01.05.2001 13:49
got an Idea if it's monopoly they want to play lets give them monopoly money in there dole cheques I don't know about you but loosing a few hundred a month in tax from my wages paying for people who spray up monuments like Winston Churchill is not my idea of a good cause get a job you bunch of scruffy mother F%*kers.
Jack Palance
More 1984 spirit
01.05.2001 14:03
Working Person who is going to take hours to
You've got it wrong.
01.05.2001 14:05
I know several people who are in London protesting today.
None of them is on the dole.
None of them intends to vandalise any monuments.
What they do intend to do is peacefully protest about issues which they feel are important. They are being intimidated, photographed, physically prevented from leaving overcrowded areas and searched because they want to make their point.
The authorities are using selective reporting to ensure that people like you believe that they are only there to cause trouble. If they succeed in this (as they seem to have in your case) they will be able to use the full force of riot police againt legitimate, peaceful protests.
Is that really what you want for our country?
whats wrong with some people?
01.05.2001 14:08
tim armstrong
Jack Palance has no brain
01.05.2001 14:12
But broadly many people have sympathy with the idea that capitalism is out of control. Why should we put up with extreme inequality and environmental destruction when all we get in return is Big Macs, HearSay and a level of political discourse that cannot encompass serious debate the downside of our economic system.
By the way I like the way you slag off the workshy while spending your work hours on the internet looking at radical politics site - will you employer really think that is a valuable use of their time and money?
Dirk Diggler
I'm stupid yeah good one
01.05.2001 14:34
Yeah you got it wrong I am not at work today cause of this
so my boss is only upset with you lot so your opinons so bloody many of them all conflicting and contradicting each other which is not helping address the real problems of the world just a very blurred visioned stereotype of you people and what you stand for and the only thing that stands out is the fact many are being left stranded in london or at home and beautiful monuments being defaced and buildings smashed up I remember a reclaim the streets protestor inviting me to a party after the demo many years ago as I was walking home and I asked how was he getting to the party and he said in a camper van mmmmmmmmm that sounds enviromently friendly don't it.
well untill you lot have argued and squabbled amongst yourselves what you really do support in the world then millions are going to to judge you how they do now
scruffy , unemployyed , drunk , smelly , violent, students,
16-17 year olds with to much to say about nothing in particular 20-40 yeah olds who feel they have missed the boat I am sorry this is the image I did not creat you and the media played off each other. You will have to get rid of this image some how I have no answer but you need a real direction.
anyway nice talking to you all and sorry to upset you all.
Jack Palance the movie star
Police Tactics
01.05.2001 15:03
01.05.2001 15:07
01.05.2001 15:10
get a life. get a job, and get lost.
e-mail: pants
02.05.2001 05:27
Resistance is contagious and it is good. I was in Quebec City protesting against the free trade area of the americas two weeks ago, and I saw ordinary people in the streets throwing rocks and bricks at police who were using plastic and rubber bullets indiscriminantly. Yes, not just the so-called scruffy and jobless students, but whole neighbourhoods in active resistance. Cheers to the "hooligans" because they are tomorrows revolutionary heroes.
Globalisation sucks
02.05.2001 17:14
I do not smell,I have a job (self employed), I pay taxes (albeit reluctantly sometimes) and it is far too simple for those that for some reason feel the need to take sides with the establishment to condemn us all as stinky yobbo dole scroungers. You will begin to wish that was true as more and more "ordinary" people are beginning to see that the results of capitalism steaming unchecked through our enviroment and civil liberties is extremely serious and will continue to clog the wheels of industry as often as possible until the majority of public oppinion is persuaded that things have to change.
Nobby Plancton
fed up
02.05.2001 19:20
Get a job you useless idiot protesters
03.05.2001 12:19
If you want to help give to charity like al of us or go do some voluntary work. Maybe thats the point - it's just an excuse to cause anarchy. YOUR ALL A WASTE OF SPACE.
reality check tax payer
Homepage: www.freewebpaid
Hippycritical wasters all 98% of you
04.05.2001 15:18
16-17 year old with to much to say about nothing in particular 20-40 year old who feel they have missed the boat then you must be a Nike trainer wareing, mobile phone using, internet browsing, meat eating, employed Record Breakerrrrrr!!!!!! Er no Hypocrit. You lot are just the same as I was in my day as a raver 12 years ago except I grew up and out of it with many others. So don't thing your first and are original you'l see you should remember this as I told you first.
Jacck Palance
oi!fred and jack......
06.05.2001 16:41
Get a what ?
08.05.2001 00:07
get a job? yeah,that's what makes the world go round , a cog in the machine till death!what the fuck are the convictions that make you slaves grind your bodies to the bone till death??Is it the 'crumbs'the machine drip feeds you,cars,property,entertainment,cinema,clubs,porn,paying music festivals? fuck that for a life !meanwhile all you slaves are being hearded from this event to that event in your quest for satisfaction(SiC)people are suffering and dying because they have no choice but to work for the world wide money machine in a desperate attempt to improve their own living conditions and welfare,they're crawling up a muddy hole that they can't get out of!...they make your shoes and clothes and pick coffee beans and in return-get a beating,get 5 hrs sleep a night and are confined to the sweatshop patrolled by the capitalist thugs that reap the proffit from the workers and reap even more from the sale.FuCk this world you live in where you think this is ok,this is about looking for alternatives and offering hope,but all you slaves can offer is THE SAME OLD SHIT.
08.05.2001 09:14
you what
08.05.2001 09:21
What a fucking prick you are - so where do you live then in a cardboard box. How the hell are you corresponding to this bulletin board if you haven't access to a computer.
Your morals must be a real drag at parties - oh I forgot you don't subscribe to that way of life.
Jesus, it's people like you that encourage capitalism - mainly just to get on your tits. Your holier than thou attitude is commendable however, if only to perpetuate the fact that all you anti-capitalist mob are completely insane.
Stop feeling guilty about things and start living. Bitterness is a terrible thing.
ps I earn a good wage and am quite happy with the way things are going. After all, who shops at Gap anyway the clothes are shite and McDonalds burgers aren't exaclty haute cusuine. Like they say if you really don't like these things don't use 'em. Simple and effective.
chuen cheng ku
ZzZzZzZz... .. .
08.05.2001 17:50
Let me clear my .. .. .
09.05.2001 00:08
the fat bastard from the labour party... .. .
dear APF
09.05.2001 08:40
Blinded by Capitalism
09.05.2001 16:10
I think the best way to explain my stance is not to re-itterate the issues, but to explain WHY i think like this. For the last 3 years i have worked in a major PC Retail outlet, and was one of their top salesmen. I could sell systems with support packages that cost £500 upwards to people with frightening ease, purely because of their limited knowledge in PC's (sales package = 100% profit for the company). I really bought into the whole sales philosophy of WINNING sales, thinking that every customer that came in the door had MY money in their pocket, and it was up to me to make them part with it. Then a couple of thing happened that really made me think.
1) About two years ago all stores were asked to design an 'ideal' support package brochure, with a prize for the top three entries. Myself and another colleague worked on one for a few weeks (a lot of which in our spare time), and produces a slick professional brochure, which we then sent off. Months passed and we still hadn't heard who won. In fact nobody had. The area managers said they'd just get back to us. Eventually, the new sales brochure came out, and i noticed that it incorporated many of the features we put in ours.
2) The company began to restructure the commission payments every few months. In essence, we'd have to work twice as hard to earn pretty much the same as we'd been getting before. Then they introduced 'super copmmision' to componsate for this. Get 120% of target and you'd get a bonus (you needed to get 80% of target to get paid at all). This sounded pretty good, until we started doing well and approaching the target. That month they increaced the target four times. No-one got super commision.
3) Sales training. Went to learn a few tricks of the trade, such as how to fake sincerity and avoid certain questions. Like a politician.
4) Times get tought. The powers that be ask yours truly to commit industrial espionage by stealing figures and documents from a rival company. Yours truly declines.
5) Yours truly is accused of leeking documents to a rival company, this accusation is based on me having a friendship with someone att the rival company (who used to work for us).
6) We have two assistant managers. One leaves. Someone is picked for promotion to his posistion, however, head office decides that it will now only have one assistant manager, plus a senior sales. Staff member is promoted to senior sales, only to find that it is the assistant manager job with a different title and several grand less in salary.
My Story......
09.05.2001 16:47
I think the best way to explain my stance is not to re-itterate the issues, but to explain WHY i think like this. For the last 3 years i have worked in a major PC Retail outlet, and was one of their top salesmen. I could sell systems with support packages that cost £500 upwards to people with frightening ease, purely because of their limited knowledge in PC's (sales package = 100% profit for the company). I really bought into the whole sales philosophy of WINNING sales, thinking that every customer that came in the door had MY money in their pocket, and it was up to me to make them part with it. Then a couple of thing happened that really made me think.
1) About two years ago all stores were asked to design an 'ideal' support package brochure, with a prize for the top three entries. Myself and another colleague worked on one for a few weeks (a lot of which in our spare time), and produces a slick professional brochure, which we then sent off. Months passed and we still hadn't heard who won. In fact nobody had. The area managers said they'd just get back to us. Eventually, the new sales brochure came out, and i noticed that it incorporated many of the features we put in ours.
2) The company began to restructure the commission payments every few months. In essence, we'd have to work twice as hard to earn pretty much the same as we'd been getting before. Then they introduced 'super copmmision' to componsate for this. Get 120% of target and you'd get a bonus (you needed to get 80% of target to get paid at all). This sounded pretty good, until we started doing well and approaching the target. That month they increaced the target four times. No-one got super commision.
3) Sales training. Went to learn a few tricks of the trade, such as how to fake sincerity and avoid certain questions. Like a politician.
4) Times get tought. The powers that be ask yours truly to commit industrial espionage by stealing figures and documents from a rival company. Yours truly declines.
5) Yours truly is accused of leeking documents to a rival company, this accusation is based on me having a friendship with someone att the rival company (who used to work for us).
6) We have two assistant managers. One leaves. Someone is picked for promotion to his posistion, however, head office decides that it will now only have one assistant manager, plus a senior sales. Staff member is promoted to senior sales, only to find that it is the assistant manager job with a different title and several grand less in salary.
7) Overtime is banned, one division of the company is sold off, 300 made redundant at head office, three divisions of the company are liquidised, making hundreds more redundant. 32 extra stores also closed the following week.
8) Discover the director fo the company is one of the 50 richest men in britian.
9) Remaining stores to be overhauled and refitted. Email is sent round asking for one hard working staff member from each store to work on a merchandising squad which would carry out the refits. 'hard working' entails 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week until the end of the month.
These experiences have left me thoroughly disgusted with capitalism. I gave it a real good shot, worked hard, and instead of getting praise for working hard, staff got the finger and told to work even harder. We calculated that to give every staff member a one pound an hour raise, would cost under a million a year. Affordable for one of the richest men in britain, no? We wouldn't want to hurt those lovely profits and executive bonus's though would we.
My parents have also worked incredibly hard their entire lives, and have precious little to show for it, worked ridiculous hours on pitiful wages in order to make somone else richer. They are not alone, and i am not alone. I am sick of seeing my free time as some sort of gift that my employer gives me. It is my right as a free man.
People in Britian work longer hours than the rest of europe, get paid proportionately less, and pay on average 40% more for goods than the rest of europe, and i am PISSED OFF with this.
And that's only one reason. Since then i've learned about the Nike and GAP sweatshops, Monsato's terminator gene, manipulative PR and advertising practices used by multinationals, international copyright law, the sale of AIDS drugs to africa, the scrapping of the ultra vires law in 1989, the CEO of walmart having more wealth that the worlds 34 poorest countries, and a host of other really heavy shit.
A wise man one said, 'i care about the future, because that's where i'm going to spend the rest of my life'. If you let multimationals and the government get away with shit like this now, what's it going to be like in 50 or 100 years time?
So if you don't give a shit about your own future, care because the world you create is the one your children will have to live in.
09.05.2001 20:37
Is Your Life Controlled By Murdoch and Money?
10.05.2001 09:03
So people who have no concept of the cultural depth behind the protest movement - they're afraid enough to condemn it out of hand without even bothering to look at the issues or the people.
You are showing all the classic symptoms of Daily Mailitus - the desire to protect your own idea of self worth, by defending the lifestyle you have been told to desire and accept - it's nice for you isn't it? You feel you have made your place for yourself in the world, and that we threaten it - it is because you don't want to accept some uncomfortable truths about what rich western lifestyles cost the rest of the world? Hence it's much easier to settle down into self-righteous hatred of Others Who Are Different.
You should come along and dance to the samba band and feel what it's like to be alive.
Come on mate, cheer up and have a think about your place in the Cosmic Theatre ; )
Blinded by Capitalism
12.05.2001 16:14
"Blinded by Capitalism." It happens every day in this world where ppl try to rip off ppl for their own gains. I hope u told them to f**k off.
Lopsided bunny