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Breaking News Mayday2001: 8:00 - 10:40

IMCUK | 01.05.2001 12:16

Breaking News Mayday2001: 8:00 - 10:40

+++ 10.40: 1000 people at Kings Cross. Police lines have moved in on Marylebone Road from west and are indicating that people should start moving off. Police are blocking off side streets as the Critical Mass moves west. The police have aggressively pulled a protester from their cycle.

+++ 10.00: both Critical Mass bike rides have arrived at Kings X where they have blockaded the street and have joined the animal rights protesters in front of McDonalds.

+++ 9.45: animal rights activists give out free veggie burgers in front of Kings X McDonalds. Large numbers of both mainstream media and police are present.

+++ 9.30: Police have released the 3 detained people, Critical Mass is now moving along Farringdon Road towards Kings X, no incidents at the other Critical Mass which is currently at Aldwych

+++ 9.10: Police have arrested 3 people from the peaceful Critical Mass between London Bridge and Cannon Street - people have stopped and are blockading the road.

+++ 8.20: Eastern branch of the Critical Mass passes Aldgate East, 350 people, great atmosphere -- western branch passes Marble Arch, 200 participants, lots of support from local people.

+++ 8am: Critical Mass bike rides have set off -- Mayday Monopoly has officially started!!



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The Guardian/Observer offices picketed

08.05.2001 16:41

8 supporters of Notes from the Borderland magazine - which reports on & analysises media accounts of Mayday protests - picketed and leafleted the Guardian/Observer offices in Farringdon Rd between 10 am and 11am and gave out a specially produced leaflet which was later handed out in Oxford Street. Those wishing to read this leaflet will find it on the Green Anarchist website. We particularly have a pop at Vidal & Hopkins in the Guardian and at the Observer - both papers raised the ante and hyped things up prior to May day - and a whole page is dedicated to the puppet of the Met Police, Mayor Livingstone. The leaflet was very well received on Oxford Street later on -4pm onwards and copies of the MayDay leaflet and the magazine can be ordered from Notes from the Borderland, BM4767, London WC2. Read it now !

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