At 9.10 am one of the peaceful and cheerful Critical Mass bike rides was attacked by around a hundred police. It started with police attempting to detain a pedestrian for covering his face - he moved off in to the crowd of cyclists and the police jumped him. They moved straight into the demonstration, grabbed two participants and detained them under section 60. Police seemed dangerously out of control - and it wasn't even 9am yet. The rest of the crowd stopped and started to blockade the road untill the two were released, and the Critical Mass moved on.
Hide the following 84 comments
well done police
01.05.2001 08:29
a mouse
01.05.2001 09:05
well done ?
01.05.2001 09:09
arrest then release without charge as a means of policing ?
totally out of order.
a cat
thanks from londoners
01.05.2001 09:09
Fuck you all
I hope they use rubber, gass and guns
e-mail: werw@DFASDFS.COM
police arrest three
01.05.2001 09:10
thanks from londoners
01.05.2001 09:10
Fuck you all
I hope they use rubber, gass and guns
e-mail: werw@DFASDFS.COM
Approved methods of blocking the street
01.05.2001 09:16
But it's always nice to see the reasoned response from such gentlemen as "londoner". Even more reassuring that he has the faith that should be expected in the traditional media to report things exactly as they are going to happen. (or should happen, for Proper Dramatic Effect).
Can't think of a heading
01.05.2001 09:19
Have thousands of people _really_ smashed up your house? I find that slightly hard to believe.
Not Rupert Marsh
londoners ?
01.05.2001 09:21
after all, gas is a three letter word, only one mistake in the spelling is pretty good.
a cat
Freedom to Protest
01.05.2001 09:24
Everyone knows that the current system creates misery in large sections of the global community, surely this unacceptable and the minor disruption caused to Londoners is not equal to the suffering caused by Capitalism. Try to think for yourselves and about others for a change.
worrying Police tactics
01.05.2001 09:28
Also, members of certain football thug firms were spotted trying to infiltrate last year. Please keep an eye out for these people. They just give the protest a bad name.
Finally, Good Luck. A Recent Evening Standard poll (not the most leftie of newsrags) put Londoners support firmly being the goals of the protest. (So don't worry about the odd uninformed statement - see some of the misspelled minority comments below Doh!) Let's not lose that advantage.
Not from London then?!?
01.05.2001 09:29
01.05.2001 09:32
have you forgotten your medication today ?
try think pleasant thoughts, and smiling at people.
a cat
01.05.2001 09:32
Alan J
State terror tactics.
01.05.2001 09:34
01.05.2001 09:37
However, I do object such a nightmare trip round London, dressed up in my jeans just to avoid a kicking in my suit. Whether the peaceful protesters like it or not, I still had to run like Linford last year and don't really relish the possibility of the same thing today. I work to pay the mortgage and provide for my family - is that so bad?
I am from London
01.05.2001 09:44
PS. It's kind of mean to berate these people for their spelling. This is a forum for all ages, remember.
Maybe it's _because_ I'm a Londoner
01.05.2001 09:49
Apparently this is enough to brand me a criminal and deserving of gassing. With attitudes like that and blatant lies in the press and from police and politicians is it any wonder I'm going to be (peacefully) on the streets today?
Not Rupert Marsh
Dear Thoughtful Analytic Londoner
01.05.2001 09:50
01.05.2001 09:53
not at all, i'm a sitcom myself (single income, three kids, oppressive mortgage).
but if these globalists get their way, our children will be carrying implanted microchips, eating nothing but genetically modified food, and kept in order by troops from, say turkey.
not to mention the disappearance of habeus corpus, trial by jury, and the presumpion of innocence.
i think i'm talking myself into taking the afternoon off, and going up west !
love & light
(currently in the police ministate of the city of london).
a cat
freedom of the city
01.05.2001 09:55
Thought I'd take up a moment of your time by mentioning a great gig this coming weekend. It's aptly titled 'freedom of the city'. A festival of contemporary, improvised music.. So, if your tired of walking around town shouting, take some time out to relax.
london calling
01.05.2001 09:56
A Comment on Strange Thanks
01.05.2001 09:58
People have a right to express themselves politically whether its complaining about a 'mongrol race' or cycling whilst wearing a funny hat.
01.05.2001 09:59
>'...a righ good smack from the police.'
>'You fuckwits'
>'Fuck you all'
>'I hope they use rubber, gass and guns'
and we shouldn't have a slight dig back ??????
a cat
Who said the police isn't a target?
01.05.2001 10:03
Self defence is a right!
Sitcom indeed
01.05.2001 10:04
I agree with your sentiments - but I'm just not sure this is the right way to go about it. Then again, I don't have the solution - I don't think there is one.
Like yourself, I agree with the priniciples of May Day. But anything with an anarchist undertone (which, alas, reading various web sites and based on last year's violence, is undeniable) isn't really my cup of tea. Therefore, I can't say I'll be joining you up west !!
get it over with
01.05.2001 10:11
dig back...
01.05.2001 10:13
well, I'm not averse to self defence, verbal or physical, I just think restraint shows a greater display of power.
Besides, half the people posting insults on this board don't really have a clue what is going on, either in their own lives or anyone elses. That's quite sad, dontcha think.
We've got to pity 'em.
01.05.2001 10:17
01.05.2001 10:19
01.05.2001 10:20
Scott xx
01.05.2001 10:22
No way
01.05.2001 10:27
get it over with
01.05.2001 10:28
Go lick your bosses ass!
01.05.2001 10:30
To the "well done police idiots"
Your bosses must love you all. Bet you have never done anything wrong in your life have you?
One day you may realise that the powers that be are taking the piss out of you lot just as much as the rest of us.
Where do you work anyway, got nice windows?
Grow up for God's sake!
01.05.2001 10:49
This style of journalism wouldn't be out of place in the Sun -- if it was Johnny Foreigner you were talking about and not the thinning blue line.
max brockbank
State terror tactics.
01.05.2001 10:49
Whilst I agree that Police presence appears quite threatening, it is important that protests remain peaceful so as to ensure that the message of the demonstrations is not over-shadowed by media coverage of physical aggression.
Metropolitan forces may incite violent backlashes, but these can not be risen to - an eye for an eye leaves two blind men and then no-one sees the point!
Stay Safe.
Britney Spears
get it over with
01.05.2001 10:56
01.05.2001 11:02
The idea that you can choose to opt out of a global system is as great a fallacy as believing that 'one dollar equals one vote', as neo-liberals put it. How can you opt out of your health service being privatised? How can you opt out of the need to make a living? 'One dollar one vote' will only mean the rich few will out vote the poorer many, and thus the market will reflect the subjective values of the wealthy. Neo-liberalism is nothing but an attempt to recreate feudalism by Smith's substitute for divine right 'invisible hand'. Your snide and complacent comments thincat are just another way of saying "let them eat cake". Get out of your post-modern consumerist stupor.
Masked, GROW UP, what are you trying to do confirm media stereotypes?
get it over with
01.05.2001 11:10
Have a great day folks.....
01.05.2001 11:29
e-mail: *********
grim down south innit
01.05.2001 11:34
01.05.2001 11:39
A privatisation of the health service is not so much a political decision anymore, that's partly what the protests are about. For example American private health care companies have protested to the WTO that European national health services are an infringement of free trade and are thus unfair competition. European countries are still strong enough not to give into such ideological free trade pressure, but the IMF can impose restrictions on social spending on needy third world countries as conditions for loans. Loans in which dept is collectivised, yet any profit goes into the hands of individuals.
With the increasing power of corporations and the ideological neo-liberal hegemony (to which many mainstream left partes have capitulated), it may only be a matter of time before the NHS is privatised (but it won't happen in one fowl swoop, it will be gradual).
I think the smashing up of McDonalds is merely a symbolic expression of frustration and anger, through the failure of mainstream parties and media to address the issues of increasing corporate power. Its a pity but it seems that the media will only pay attention if they have some violence to sensationalise, if there had been no violence at Seattle the protests would have been ignored or dismissed a bunch of woolly hippies dressed as turtles! The violence against property helped draw some attention to the issues, but it is a double edged sword and can be used to ignore them too, Catch 22.
Peaceful So Far
01.05.2001 11:51
get it over with
01.05.2001 11:57
"two blind men"excellent!
01.05.2001 12:09
second port of call personal responsibility,this includes not getting wound up and dragged into someone elses DRAMA and lets face it there are enough people who attend reclaim who use it as a personal therapy session!!or a pub crawl
third port of call USE YER LEGS!!!!!
dont wait for it to happen that means THEY are directing YOU!keeping i t fluffy mea
ns WE have control and keeps INFILTRATORS out in the open,including government agitators!!that way we could spot em a mile aw
ay !!
sorry abuot dodgy pc use im a bit of a luddite
i can spell honest PEACE (starts with yourself)
michele mc
01.05.2001 12:09
Why do we not treat the insensible to a dose of silence- unless those amateur agitators and aparatchiks would please raise their hands. Hello boys!
Tho raising issues surely does more good than raising hackles...
And as for getting angry, best get wisdom first.
Another year of sleeping ahead....
01.05.2001 12:27
Some of the comments simply highlight how anaesthetised people are from what's going on with todays government, corporations and media. It's pointless to say "Governments change but politics never does" in these days because we're virtually being ruled by corporations and not governments. - what other forces would cause Bush to pull out of the Kyoto agreement for the detrement of the planet in favour of profits and preserving their interests?
You can't vote against corporations, that's not the way it's set up. Demonstration seems to be the only way to voice fears and put the brakes on what we're headed towards.
I know there are many people 'sleeping' in the capitalist lifestyle because I'm one of them myself, giving it very little thought but knowing that what we do today is wrong and that we're slowly surrendering control of everything to corporations and profit.
If protests like this can make people think more about capitalism then all the better. Good luck to all those without violent intentions today. Protesters and police alike.
State terror tactics
01.05.2001 12:32
Entirely agree about peacful protest. The point I was trying to make is that the police appear determined to lash out regardless and a compliant establishment media will be complicit in victim blaming.
State terror tactics
01.05.2001 12:44
Britney Spears
re: thanks from londoners
01.05.2001 23:03
e-mail: x@y.z
Hey Jimbo
02.05.2001 04:33
only place to find out what went on
02.05.2001 07:39
Judy Steele
Hand over
02.05.2001 12:07
I have to say that I don't think that capatalism is about to dissapear in the next few years, but I don't think that a ideal communist state is workable. Take a look at the examples that we have of them, China, Cuba, and the USSR don't exactly have the best human rights records ever!
only place to find out what went on
02.05.2001 15:16
Peaceful demonstration? mostly but as somebody once remarked "there is no equality between the armed and the unarmed". Global capitalism is well armed, its proxies being, for example, the boys in blue (and standing metaphorically behind them the guys in khaki). The war in Northern Ireland has demonstrated that when the political systems does not want to listen, violence is often the only way forward. I will watch developments with interest.
mass protest?
02.05.2001 20:58
Win or lose
03.05.2001 01:45
not that simple
Try to stumble across a moment of clarity
03.05.2001 14:31
This is the first time I've visited the UK IMC, and this is GREAT!! This will be a regular stop for me from now on...
Look, just because this grassroots feedback system allows you to make a complete ASS ("ARSE") of yourself doesn't mean you HAVE to! Try to sound a little bit more logical next time, and you won't mar the report for those of us who actually come here to read with an objective mind, and to find out what happened from those who diligently report what they witnessed on this network.
No matter what the message of the group is, how is that comparable to a mob ransacking someone's house, or more importantly, how does that justify the *violent* treatment and harrassment?
This SHOULD concern everybody, since, as the poem goes, "Then they came for me -- and by that time there was nobody left to speak up." The right to peaceably assemble and express grievances should not JUST be an american thang.
Besides, you may just be preoccupied with your darling traffic being stalled temporarily, but look at how alive and vibrant this city was on May First! Not just mayday, but Beltane, "demos", all kinds of wonderful activity bringing people together. This is really amazing-- and it is something for all Londoners to be *very* proud of.
Now, if I could just find out more about WOMBLES (if only we could have GREAT names for protestors like that here, I love UK lingo).
Road Traffic Accident
03.05.2001 18:07
P.S. They also hit a lot of people with big metal sticks.
Damn protesters
04.05.2001 02:07
naturalized american
04.05.2001 05:23
Other assets of that great country of yours include the opprobrium of most sane people throughout the world, a brotherly interest in destroying Colombia as you did Vietnam, the greatest and most flagrant per-capita wastage of the earth's resources, and the greatest single national contribution to global warming.
Your friends have (and do) include amongst their numbers notables such as Papa doc Duvalier, Pinochet, Klaus Barbie, Ariel Sharon, and surprisingly Mao Zedong. People who were once your friends but are no longer include Manuel Noriega (tried to skim off too many profits from your Langley/White House backed crack smuggling enterprise), Saddam Hussein (tried to upset a US friendly regional balance, AND gave you the chance to try out some of your new exploding toys), and Osama Bin Laden (turned weapons and money given to him by the CIA on you lot after the Russkies had gone - shame!)
In short, you can take your country and slide into the sea with it, the only thing that disturbs me more is that the UK is your pliant willing lapdog - this WILL change.
A final note - is the fact that your food is better the main reason for you having the greatest incidence of obesity in the world? Still, you can all just gorge yourself to the limit and then go get it sucked out in one of your well- appointed plastic surgery centres. Free choice for the consumer, dontcha just love it?
Finally, respect to all those who made it happen in London - fluffy or spiky you're all part of the fight, and represent the last sector of British society capable of withstanding the march of the manarchy
No Pasaran!
Dissent from America!
04.05.2001 05:55
I am an American native and my country gives me great shame. When people like you say "life is better here", I ask you
is a homogenized Wal Mart better than local culture and community?
is a McDonalds really better than indigenous cuisine?
are the people really nicer when having to OUT compete every soul around you?
is the wealth distributed fairly from you to Mike Piazza?
is a landscape of cities cut off by endless Thruways really better?
what does Money of more value buy? More WalMarts, more McDonald's, more TV Guides, more & more & more....
is the water safer to drink aroundpost-modern industrial communities &?
is education is available to everyone equally with vouchers?
is the bottom-line television programming of Entertainment Tonight really more intelligent?
is there a difference between super-corporation & a monarchy?
is Las Vegas really a place of value?
We had the Grand Canyon, the Pacific coastline, Las Vegas, Wal-Mart, Hollywood
and nationwide high-speed Internet access.
we have polluting automobile manufacturers, suburaban sprawl, corporate chain culture, extreme wage-gaps, patronized media (death of free perspective), a privatized government & consumer dysfunction/obesity.
Why? Because of the SHORT-TERM vision of unregulated competition, not REGULATED Co-operation. Do you really feel valued at the end of the day in a commodified society?
How arrogant to say a man isn't happier without a TV; Surely they have more peace without it.
John Jacob Jingle Hammer
04.05.2001 09:10
after the dust has settled ...
04.05.2001 10:40
The only way something will change is if you live by your convictions. This means you eat local food, n chips not Mc D. You wear labeless clothes and you vote at general elections.
Eventually the corps will see where they are going wrong, and do something about it. Before you flame me for being naive, Mc D have been forced in France to alter their marketing to one of a French chain (local products for local people) rather than a multinational one they use in the UK.
And another thing .. its going to take a VERY long time for these changes to evolve into a diffent way of life. If you compare the struggle with that of countries fighting for independance .. well most of them need a century or more to go from thought to form.
Just my two units of local currency!
04.05.2001 13:36
I thought critical mass was all about people not wanting to ba gassed by your bloody murdermachines all day long?
Anyways, we don´t need your teargas, we've got something to cry for.
04.05.2001 13:56
It is taught in Universities, it doesn't riot or out of control as the press/police would have us believe. The opposite I believe to be the case, it's about empowering the individual where you have the capacity to govern yourself.
To fOul
04.05.2001 14:58
To give another example McDonalds in Germany, which is a very eco-sensitive country,
only use paper to wrap the hambourgers, not the plastic as here.
But those demonstrations also help the cause.
Todays man
Uh, it is still McDonalds...
04.05.2001 19:05
You cheer for silly reforms to a shitty company from America that pays shit, has horrible working conditions, and shitty food...horrible junk food made by greedy American corporations looking to get as much money off of the history/culture-lacking American citizens. They then export that shit over to other countries while whiping out the culture and food that has grown from bottom up in your countries over the course of hundreds of years...and they are doing all of this within only a few decades!
The Real IRA
04.05.2001 21:45
04.05.2001 22:25
Live and learn
05.05.2001 18:47
The cops seem to be very upset that the new groups have no obvious leaders. Cops are not so bright . One or two of the
'punters' who have written in seem to be of the same .
I do find it rather sad that the british working classes
like nothing better than to fight amongst themselves .
divided and ruled over by britannia and co.
Londoner is a prime example of the ignorant TV dependent masses. To try and explain what this world could be if we were free of capitalism is obviously well out of his scope .
But let's try to be civil to everyone as an example to the mafia bandits who are running the world
Besides I for one don't have time to exchange idiotic no sense messages with half witted morons ..
any one can be Luther blissett
(hope the spelling is ok me old china I should co co gor blimey down the battle cruiser for a swift pigs ear !!!)
Luther Blissett
capital kills
06.05.2001 14:34
bob todd
well said Bob
06.05.2001 15:02
peace and respect
e-mail: anon
Concurring anarchist
07.05.2001 00:32
I'm not so sure,Bob
07.05.2001 07:31
The police kill people all the time, always have, always will. Think of the yearly deaths of black 'suspects' in police custody - why then no race war, just more atomisation and self destruction in the ghettos.
The police kill because they can, because when they do the only authority capable of prosecuting piggy murderers police. They will kill, no doubt about it, and not just in Britain - all over the world they're getting heavier and heavier because they recognise the threat we pose. But, and this is the sad bit - when they do club some poor old class warrior to death, or put a rubber bullet in the temple of a feisty womble, people like our friend Londoner, and other Sun reading goons will cheer, the poiticians will tut, there'll be an 'enquiry' in which the offending murderers will get their rights to use the station coffee machine restricted for a month, and then everyone will just settle back into McTorpidity. No class war, no revenge, no reckoning. Blood sacrifice will not rouse the masses, cooperation and education will.
07.05.2001 16:18
Maybe capitalism is anarchy
07.05.2001 19:52
They seem to do whatever they want without any need to worry about laws and governments, or they worry about the little stuff (health and hygine, advertising laws etc), but don't need to worry about taxes getting their profits, so in a way they are only working for themselves.
In the long run though I still think the only way of killing capitalism is by playing the rules and spend your money in a controlled and thoughtful way. Spread that message and it will result in victory, and the Police won't bat an eyelid at that kind of protest!
i wasn't there but i wish i was
08.05.2001 09:35
e-mail: not got one
To Mr "Damn Protestors"
08.05.2001 15:54
2. What are you going to do when you've sucked all the resources out of your land and need more to waste? Invade Russia? Europe? The Middle-east? or maybe "softer" targets like South America and Africa?
3. How much more hypocrisy do you think the rest of the world can handle from your side of the Atlantic/Pacific?
4. It's a good job the UK is separated from you fuckwits by 2,000 miles of North Atlantic otherwise we'd have been overrun years ago and declared the 51st State!
5. You people think Europe is irrelevant? Look at the stats pal (you yanks are so fond of 'em). The EU has exactly the same standards of EVRYTHING as you lot do. (except we have higher standards of human rights legistlation and environmental conservation measures)
as a previous commentator said "You can all slide into the sea".
Damn Protestor
Anarchy is not capitalism
08.05.2001 19:00
The businesses will not have to worry about losses in a communist anarchy and can therefore employ as many people as possible, produce the best quality products, use expensive artificial testing rather than animal testing etc.
Also communist anarchism is about decentralising as much as possible, which means that local communities will to be largely self-supporting. The current globalisation policy leads to a very small ammount of companies from developed countries supplying everything to poorer countries meaning that local industries cannot survive and local people have to work in the sweatshops of those large companies. This is also a major cause of pollution with all the packaging that is necessary for shipping items. In a communist anarchy it would be hoped that all factories produce items for nearby towns, meaning less pollution.
I hope this has cleared up a few things about Communist Anarchism.
09.05.2001 09:58
10.05.2001 15:51
I hope that answers your query.
Fozzie Bear
02.07.2001 20:34
Viva Zapata
sorry to see some of the responses to this incident. Most of us are passive people who simply want a better world. Democracy will not give us this so we must fight for it. Most people havnt got a clue what is really happening in the world. If we have to have a riot to open peoples eyes then thats the way it is and i will wear my mask with pride.
Jacks Draw
31.07.2001 23:53