Update: Evening Standard poll shows overwhelming support for Mayday demo
Sam Body | 30.04.2001 20:18
The London newspaper The Evening Standard has been running an online poll: so far 73% who have participated have voted in favour of the demonstrations
The Evening Standard - the right-wing local paper for the entire London region - has been running an online poll to gauge the public's reaction to the forthcoming actions planned for May Day in the capital.
So far, despite the poll being illustrated by a picture of a man booting in the window of a mobile phone shop - a staggering 73% of all those who expressed their opinions have voted 'yes' when asked if they support the May day protests.
Mmmmmmm? What will their editorial panel think about that?
Make up your own mind and check it out for yourself: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/dynamic/submit_poll.html
So far, despite the poll being illustrated by a picture of a man booting in the window of a mobile phone shop - a staggering 73% of all those who expressed their opinions have voted 'yes' when asked if they support the May day protests.
Mmmmmmm? What will their editorial panel think about that?
Make up your own mind and check it out for yourself: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/dynamic/submit_poll.html
Sam Body
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Our Choice to Make
01.05.2001 07:57
For the first time in human history, our technology allows us to witness the condition of life on Earth. We can choose to proceed along a destructive path, or we can reach out to each other and exist in peace. There's no reason why we should be anything other than a community of friends. It is our choice to make.
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