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Petition to sort out the media

Tom Chance | 29.04.2001 20:00

What we need is a column in a major (broadsheet) newspaper to be given to somebody who is more informed about the youth's political issues such as the anti-capitalist demonstrations, hackers and youth culture. This column should be given a decent space alongside the more established columnists, and it should be written by a variety of young people (perhaps a different person for each day of the week, giving seven columnists in total).

We all know that the press covers activists, hackers and hacktivists very poorly. Activists are portrayed as violent political extremists with no sense, and hackers are confused with crackers, and thus called computer criminals. I was thinking recently... why might this be? I've been emailing a columnist from the UK newspaper The Independent, and what I realised from these emails is that the columnists in the media are simply out of touch with the new form of activism (it used to all be through parties and unions, now it's decentralised and chaotic), and with most other political issues that affect the younger generations. So I decided to try and do something about it, and I need everybody to sign my petition to help solve (in part) this problem with the press.

I am going to write letters to the UK's major newspapers, starting with the more reasonable newspapers, The Guardian and The Independent, asking that they introduce a new column for "youth politics", which can include any youth issue of a more political nature (as opposed to the clubbing scene!). This column should be written by a group of people like ourselves who can cover different issues (its explained more on the petition web page). I will write to the editors of the newspapers, and send them a link to a petition which I have created to back my case up. So if everybody could sign the petition (it'd be especially good if I can get respected journalists like Naomi Klein to sign it) then I might get a little further than the editors' trash cans!

The petition can be found at:

Tom Chance
- Homepage:


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Decentralised yes...

30.04.2001 03:07

chaotic,not unless we wannabee.

The Right Protest

30.04.2001 14:23

Although i understanr the 'fuck it' then attitude of anarchism. Simply from the point of view that the system that we are reacting against is big enough and organised enough to sway opinion against so called fringe groups. What must be remembered is that we need everybody we can get to be on the side of right. People in suits are not neccessarily the enemy, but simply trapped in the system that is capitalism. Rather than allow the minority to hijack events such as the mayday protests it is important that protesters 'self-police' these actions. We all know that the corporate media will focus on single acts to demonise the whole movement so we must make sure that these single acts do not occur. If a Minority group attack and smash,for example, a Macdonalds then the majority need to hand these people over as a show of dissapproval of their techniques of violent protest.
The system will not be smashed out of existence it needs to be changed by winning over the populas.
Stop the minority and we will become the majority.

Benjamin Read
mail e-mail:

But they gave us...

30.04.2001 16:35

But they already gave us George Monbiot! 'aint that enough for you crazy kids?

Ye never buy papers anyway.

Have you tried the Metro ;-)

mail e-mail:


01.05.2001 09:41

Erm, bit late notice, but there's an action outside the Gaurdian offices (nearest tube-Angel Islington) from about 11am. A Temporary Autonomous News Stand will be giving out free independent news from various people, including indymedia, squall and Freedom, along with flyers for the public on the propoaganda model.

PS - Anarchists DO NOT have a 'fuck it' attitude. Don't believe that media-shite. for a pretty decent intro to their politics.

Rupert Murdoch