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London Mayday Collective & WOMBLES events and workshops agenda

Marcus Sky | 29.04.2001 15:16

MAYDAY CONVERGENCE CENTER, summary of workshops and events from 6pm tonight, sunday



6PM Mayday Workshop + planning meeting.

8PM Vegan Cafe opens until 11pm
Quebec report back from East Federation of Anarchist Communists.
Discussion on N.American Anarchist Scene.

Action Protest! screenings and videos.

Convergence Cabaret!


12PM Convergence Meeting

1PM First Aid Workshop

2PM Legal Aid WOrkshop

3-7PM Workshops/Networking

7PM Affinity Group Convergence

8PM Yet more Legal advice + WOMBLES Top Ten Tips!

Banner Workshops, Affinity Building and.....MERRY MAKING ALL DAY!!!!

Fully Stocked Free info-shop, vegan Kitchen, creche, women's space.

crash space and chill space....with a bar

Please bring toys (for creche), games, sleeping bags, musical instrumentents, books, paint, ideas and finally YOU!

food is above all needed to be contributed. thankyou

the wombles are providing security.

no filming or photography is allowed inside and will be dealt with accordingly.


The WOMBLES advise that there will be a strong police presence outside. please ring 07960 973 847 for the latest security update and further announcements!

Marcus Sky
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British State Terrorism-the Facts

29.04.2001 18:10

For details of British State Terrorism visit the following independent sites- Remember the British State has murder gangs operating in what is regarded as the UK- The occupied 6-counties of Ulster.!milosev.htm

Revolutionary Greetings, Comrades-
The Struggle Continues
Irish Republicans are with You
You are Not alone!

Conor Cruyise O'Brine