Hackney Unison May Day Strike
repost | 26.04.2001 13:33
Demonstration: Assemble 12 noon at Hackney Downs, Hackney Road, and march to Hackney Empire for a rally at 2:15 pm
On Tuesday 1 May, International Workers Day, Hackney Unison will be staging its sixth day of strike action within six months.
On Tuesday 1 May, International Workers Day, Hackney Unison will be staging its sixth day of strike action within six months.
In a recent ballot our members rejected management’s latest ultimatum, despite threats that rejection would lead to dismissal!
In every section of the council workers are being bullied as management attempt to force individual sections of the workforce onto new contracts. This has led to spontaneous ‘unofficial’ stoppages where workers have refused to attend interviews for their won jobs, or have refused to drive their vehicles until they management withdrew their threats.
Meanwhile two Hackney Councillors have been jailed for electoral fraud, and the community campaign to save individual services is growing, and has achieved its first successes, with the announcement that the Huddleston centre will remain open at least for the next three months, and that Burbage school will not be closed.
Across the council there is a growing mood of anger and defiance, and this will be demonstrated by an increase in the numbers on strike next Tuesday.
However there are a number of weaknesses where our comrades can assist. We have called a protest march and rally on May Day. We need delegations of other London Branches, with their banners to attend.
The March assembles at 12 noon at Hackney Downs, Hackney Road, and marches to the Hackney Empire for a rally at 2. 15pm. Speakers at the rally include local community campaigners, trade union activists, and Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn.
Our members will be on the picket lines from 7am, and it will make a huge difference to their confidence if there is a substantial show of solidarity from outside Hackney.
Secondly; we must repeat our urgent financial appeal. The organisation of the march and rally will cost us approximately £3,500 (including advert in the local paper, printing of leaflets and hire of the Empire). Our local strike fund has been paying a supplement of £12. 50 to strikers on top of the national strike pay. The potential cost of any one-day strike, to our fund is in the region of £35, 000. To maintain our strike fund we urgently need donations. Thanks to everyone who has already sent donations; they have been a valuable contribution to our funds, and an even bigger boost to our confidence. Unfortunately we must seek further donations.
It is likely that our next action will involve sectional strikes with enhanced strike pay (costing an estimated £12,000 per week).
Hackney’s struggle is about our terms and conditions but it is inextricably linked with a wider struggle against the ‘logic’ which asserts that the solution to crumbling, underfunded services, accompanied by corrupt politicians, is simply to cut workers wages, cut the services to residents and privatise anything that is potentially profitable.
Donations to the strike fund should be made payable to Hackney Unison and sent to Unison third floor Netil House, 1- 7 Westgate Street London E8 3RL.
Report by John Page
Hackney Unison