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Alternative media letter re Mayday

Various media in Britain | 23.04.2001 10:49

Open letter to all mainstream news papers-
As members of Britain’s growing alternative and independent media network, we are saddened to see press releases issued by Scotland Yard being regurgitated in the national press without question

April 23 2001

Dear Editor,

We write in response to the hysterical reporting of the coming Mayday protests.

As members of Britain’s growing alternative and independent media network, we are saddened to see press releases issued by Scotland Yard being regurgitated in the national press without question.

A constant barrage of stories about suspected violent outbreaks have sidelined the debate about the important issues into rumour-fueled gossip about anarchists and thugs.

The role of the media should be to factually report, and offer a forum for discussion and analysis. Lazy journalism has demonised and stereotyped the rainbow coalition of groups and individual’s involved in the anti-Globalisation movement.

Once again it will be the alternative media who will be reflecting the real experience of those involved in the demonstrations.


Paul O’ Connor, alternative news
Martin Palmer, Sharp Eye Media
Dylan Howitt, Conscious Cinema
Helen Iles, Undercurrents Foundation, Wales
Hannah Wright, Beyond TV
John Morton Groovy Movie
Jo Makepeace, SchNews
Ben Edwards, I-Contact video network
Liz Thomas, Flying Fish Productions

Various media in Britain
- e-mail:


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No news is good news

23.04.2001 19:51

How can educated journalists like Peter Sissons, or John Suchet, sit and knowingly parrot propaganda, night after night? All those pyres of flaming hoofs and no-one questions the legality or validity of it. War everywhere, and people think that's 'normal' just a matter of fact! While they prepare the next 'rich list' as though that was something desirable or commendable, people are dying from abject poverty. The State are attacking defencless citizens, and the media act as their mouthpiece, degrading us even more.

Lisa Aziz


23.04.2001 22:39

exactally that
