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USA TODAY - Special Edition on Mayday Monopoly

USA Today Corporation | 20.04.2001 13:40

USA Today Corp.announces the year of 2001
as the year of Worldwide Mayday Monopoly.

USA TODAY - Special Edition on Mayday Monopoly
USA TODAY - Special Edition on Mayday Monopoly

USA Today interviewed frontline mediaheads
on the eve of Mayday events.

- People should get control over their own
lives. If Mayday can enrich the life of these
people attending this event, then I say:
go for it.

James D.Wolfensohn, son of the WorldBank

- I don`t expect people to follow my advice.
But in this case I would encourage people
to find out for themselves, what the ordinary
people have to say about Mayday.
After all, its the carnival of labour.

George W.Bush, son of the Whitehouse

- We`re lucky to have people who dare to
choose the common good before selfish
interests. Never so few.

Don Itchygo, son of the Alliance of WTO, IMF,
McDonalds, BPAmoco, Staralliance, Microsoft,
Shell, American Express, NYSE, FTAA, Nokia, Viacom,
CNN, NTV, Gazprom, Daewoo and the G-8 ORDER.

USA Today Corporation


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to be hidden from newswire because of duplica

20.04.2001 15:23

this is an exact duplication of the newswire posting from 2 days ago and so will be hidden fromthe newswire

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