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"Arsenical Anal Academics from UK?"

Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger | 19.04.2001 15:26

When I was researching for my article; "Arsenic and Anal Academcis" 8:52 AM 4/17/01, I found that Encyclodedia Britannica had apparently replaced the neurological damage of arsenic with "nervous manifestations". Is this part of the dumbing down of England.

In my "A&AA" artilce I described how my addressing the issue of arsine in "Modus Operandi..." 6:00 PM 2/22/01 did little more than lower the price of tuna and have the govt. declare arsenic nontoxic. From the text of "A&AA" I give you: "Consumption or inhalation of arsenic produces......nervous manifestations such as paralysis and confusion.... Although this information comes from encyclopedias, I suspect that it really ignores the neurological impairments that are characteristic of arsenic poisoning; and that is why my friend said that the antidote is suicide, for you never recover from the neurological damage from arsenic poisoning.......Just because the brain-damaged coprophagists will repeat anything that someone tells them to, that doesn't mean that you have to tolerate or suffer from the stupidity of their Anal Academics."

In "Bible-Rubbers Beware" 1:50 PM 4/16/01 I revealed that the "Supreme "Narky" of the U.S." (9:12 AM 4/3/01) looks exactly like Supreme Court Justice Brandeis (1916-39) does in the New Encyclopedia of Zionism and Israel. Justice Brandeis was more or less the father of Zionism and Israel, and maybe there were plans to make his concealed son, "Narky" into the Messiah. In light of this, you might want to make a poster of the justice, asking: "know this guy?" Also I put out "The Concealed Holocaust" 12:37 PM 4/18/01 which also addresses how the Storm Troopers of Germany may have immigrated to U.S. after WWII to initiate a new breed of "Troopers" who would use chaos, narcotics, communication glitches, and their chemical modus operandi to try to conquer the world via a holocaust that can't be proven. I notice that UK Indy Media keeps me off the front page until I have been flooded off it by trivial articles. That is a creative communication glitch, so be sure to check out: "Good is "Bad" and Bad is "Good": Creative NonViolence" 1:28 PM 4/11/01. Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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