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M25: The Death of Woodstock

~*~ | 16.04.2001 02:52

Our notion of "peace" is for profit only... no hippies allowed.

The Death of

A corporatist cable tycoon named
Alan Gerry has plans to
pave paradise.  With the help of millions of dollars of
New York
State corporate welfare, and having acquired the
historic site of the
original Woodstock gathering
by disputed means,
Gerry plans to turn the Bethel, NY site of Woodstock into a corporate,
exclusionary Branson MI
style "disneyesque" "performing arts center" at or on the actual historic

Talk is affoot to stage a
demonstration on Memorial Day weekend with a mock 'funeral' in protest of
the PAC at the Original Woodstock site on Hurd Road in the town of Bthel,
New York.

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