Cincinnati. Beanbag shotgun rounds hospitalize teacher. Mourners shot unprovoked
Shotguns | 15.04.2001 23:38
Rogue Nazis can ruin your whole day. Here are some quotes from a Cincinnati Enquirer article. "Christine Jones, 34, a Louisville teacher, is in Jewish Hospital in Louisville with a fractured rib, a bruised lung and a bruised spleen, Tom Pearce said. She spent most of the night at the hospital, he said. ... Photographer Tom Uhlman, who was shooting pictures for Associated Press, said he saw police drive up to Liberty and Elm streets, get out of their cars and, without warning, shoot several rounds at a small, peaceful group away from the main crowd."
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16.04.2001 03:18
The problem is not black or white.Its blue,you know what to do.
Soft drill contracts are out on R.marks and S.roach.
Witness protection re-location may not be enough to save them.
Support copwatch and its big brother,operation soft drill.
Solidarity defeated 1 evil empire
It can easily do it again,synchronicity and Solidarity.