The Co-operation agenda - catching the big fish
The Co-operation agenda | 13.04.2001 18:00
The Co-operation agenda
The Co-operation agenda | 13.04.2001 18:00
The Co-operation agenda
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13.04.2001 21:19
Why do we need to vandalise surveilance cameras?
They are there to stop crime. Maybe they're spying on us as well but if we don't commit any crimes then there's nothing they can do. Protesting isn't against the law...
I PRESUME you are talking about May Day anyway.
If you are one of the people who is going to be breaking things then er.. give it a miss. You give us peaceful protestors a bad name.
Hugh Jones
Focus on the big fish
13.04.2001 22:54
registered. (Don`t get hazy about surveillance cameras.)
The focus however is on the big fish.
Have your nets ready.
The Co-operation agenda for your convenience.
The Co-operation agenda
Peaceful is best
14.04.2001 11:59
Sure, in the present climate of the most vile politicians we have ever had to suffer and the even more vile WTO I can fully understand why some folk just want to break things, smash the state, whatever - BUT IT DOES NOT DO ANY GOOD WHATSOEVER - it just alienates those who might otherwise have helped you in your long term aims.
Please - forget the violence. It is the hardest thing to do, for sure, but definitely the most mature approach to all the very childish antagonists we have to deal with, from Jackboots Straw on down to the thickest of robocops.
Why emulate the system? Improve on it!
Thanks for reading,
Peace, love and unity - and selfdefense
14.04.2001 14:04
take a look at the reality.
It isn`t always possible passively to resist
Remember South Africa.
Remember the faschism in europe in the 30s.
As a by-stander you will eventually become either
a victim or part of the mechanism which is run by
the corporate governance and militarily minded
You should know better.
Have you forgot mrs. Thatcher and her
Brave New World?
Both peaceful and more drastic means may
be used according to what the circumstances are.
Don`t hesitate, co-operate.
For your own convenience.
Walkie talkie
15.04.2001 10:06
It won't make any difference, they'll never have anything on me.
And surveillance cameras do a good job stopping people beating eachother up or robbing banks or whatever (not that I'm a big fan of the banks but people who rob them and take their money and keep it for themselves are no better than the banks themselves).
Also, Fascism doesn't have an h in it.
As for Gandhi, he won didn't he. I'm not a big fan of violence for violence's sake. Just because we can break stuff doesn't mean we should. People who break stuff alienate a large proportion of the population who otherwise might have been supportive of the movement. I'm sure most of the vandals are just in it for a laugh, most of them wouldn't know where to bein if they were asked to justify it in political terms.
The history of the human race has been fraught with revenge and counter revenge. Violence begets violence. Somewhere, the cycle has to be broken.. We really can make our point without breaking things.
Hugh Jones
15.04.2001 10:10
You guys really should learn to spell if you want to appear credible.
Mainstream media may be biassed or just plain cowardly in its supposedly objective portrayal of the facts but at least they have the professionalism to learn to spell properly.
To whom it may concern, maybe a spell checker would be a good addition to IMC's software.
Hugh Jones
15.04.2001 13:32
But fascism is definitely spelt without an h.
Hugh Jones