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Campaign Against the Terrorism Act - Meeting

- | 03.04.2001 08:36

As the clampdown continues throughout Europe (yep it's not just this country!)...

...there’s a launch meeting of the Campaign Against the Terrorism Act, 8th April 1-5pm at University of London Union (3rd floor), Malet St., London WC1 (Russel Square tube).

Money is also urgently needed for producing bust cards in different languages.

Contact Campaign Against The Terrorism Act 0845 458 2966

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03.04.2001 12:20

Thanks for publishing your meeting on Indymedia UK. We have included it in our Calendar, which you can access by clicking on the "Calendar" link on the front page. In the future please do not publish the meeting details in the newswire, but put it straight into the Calendar. The Calendar is "open publishing", just like the newswire.


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