Police raid 'anarchist' base in London
Lemming | 01.04.2001 11:31
Shit I thought this was an April fool when I read it on Indymedia International but it's in all the corporate press!
Sunday, 1 April, 2001, 04:29 GMT 05:29 UK
Police raid 'anarchist' base
Police officers have carried out a dawn raid on a disused factory thought to be an anarchist training centre. Scotland Yard believe it was being used to prepare for violent demonstrations in London on May Day. They swooped at dawn on a disused factory to disrupt an anarchist "training weekend" believed to be a key point of preparations for trouble.
Scotland Yard is on full alert
Bailiffs acting for the owner of the Button Factory in Wanless Road, Herne Hill Lane, south east London, executed an eviction order at the address, supported by officers from the Metropolitan, City and British Transport Police forces. As anticipated, nobody was at the address when the bailiffs executed the early morning warrant after which police were invited in by the owners and a quantity of material was removed, the Yard said. The owner, using his own staff and plant machinery, then made the building uninhabitable.
Heightened security
The site was secured by the owner and a police presence will be maintained in the area to ensure community safety, the Yard said. Officers are expecting a significant number of violent anarchists to descend on London in the first week of May during a prolonged anti-capitalist protest.
Metropolitan Commissioner Sir John Stevens said intelligence suggested activists would target police, government buildings and commercial institutions on May Day and the following days. "There are indications that a sizeable minority of protesters are bent on violence towards the police, commercial institutions and government buildings," Sir John said. "During this time I have cancelled leave for all uniformed officers and intelligence gathering continues."
Last year's riots caused massive disruption and thousands of pounds worth of damage was done to property, including the Cenotaph. Dozens of people were arrested.
Check out the May Day 2001 web site at the link below:
Police raid 'anarchist' base
Police officers have carried out a dawn raid on a disused factory thought to be an anarchist training centre. Scotland Yard believe it was being used to prepare for violent demonstrations in London on May Day. They swooped at dawn on a disused factory to disrupt an anarchist "training weekend" believed to be a key point of preparations for trouble.
Scotland Yard is on full alert
Bailiffs acting for the owner of the Button Factory in Wanless Road, Herne Hill Lane, south east London, executed an eviction order at the address, supported by officers from the Metropolitan, City and British Transport Police forces. As anticipated, nobody was at the address when the bailiffs executed the early morning warrant after which police were invited in by the owners and a quantity of material was removed, the Yard said. The owner, using his own staff and plant machinery, then made the building uninhabitable.
Heightened security
The site was secured by the owner and a police presence will be maintained in the area to ensure community safety, the Yard said. Officers are expecting a significant number of violent anarchists to descend on London in the first week of May during a prolonged anti-capitalist protest.
Metropolitan Commissioner Sir John Stevens said intelligence suggested activists would target police, government buildings and commercial institutions on May Day and the following days. "There are indications that a sizeable minority of protesters are bent on violence towards the police, commercial institutions and government buildings," Sir John said. "During this time I have cancelled leave for all uniformed officers and intelligence gathering continues."
Last year's riots caused massive disruption and thousands of pounds worth of damage was done to property, including the Cenotaph. Dozens of people were arrested.
Check out the May Day 2001 web site at the link below:
Hide the following 21 comments
Freedom from oppression
01.04.2001 12:05
Ann Archy
police raid empty building!
01.04.2001 15:27
e-mail: monsieurjambon@aol.com
Homepage: www.imonamission.com
convergence centre
01.04.2001 17:00
Homepage: http://www.pcworks.demon.co.uk
Just wondering...
02.04.2001 05:24
e-mail: lemming@grandtheftcyber.com
(A) Wing
02.04.2001 06:18
Raid was beginning
Anarchist #1: What happen?!
Anarchist #2: Somebody set up us the bust.
Anarchist #3: I get signal!!
Anarchist #1: What!
Anarchist #3: Main window open.
Anarchist #1: Its you!!
Cops: How are you gentlemen!!
Cops: All your base are belong to us.
Cops: You are on the way to arrest.
Anarchist #1: What you say!!
Cops: You have no chance to escape. Make your lawyer.
Cops: HA HA HA HA!
Anarchist #1: Off every 'pig'!
Anarchist #1: You know what you doing.
Anarchist #1: Off 'pig'.
Anarchist #1: For great revolution.
also covered by The Independent
02.04.2001 11:25
By Cahil Milmo
02 April 2001
Police raided an abandoned factory at dawn over the weekend, thwarting a "dress rehearsal" for rioting planned by a group of anarchists in London on May 1.
Scotland Yard said officers stormed the industrial complex, in Herne Hill, south London, in the early hours of Saturday morning after a tip-off that it was being used as a training centre for protesters. The redundant button factory was due to be used for a weekend meeting by protest leaders planning to repeat the violence seen on May Day 2000, when 150,000 people gathered in central London.
Bailiffs acting for the owner of the site executed an eviction order with the support of 150 officers from the Metropolitan, City and British Transport Police forces. A quantity of "material" understood to relate to planning for the protests was recovered. To prevent the derelict site on Wanless Road, Loughborough Junction, being reoccupied, the owner brought in demolition equipment to knock down buildings and make it "uninhabitable".
A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "The operation was to disrupt planned criminal activity by anarchist groups for May 1. We did not anticipate people being on the premises and no arrests were made. The building was due to be used as a dress rehearsal for the protests. It is likely they were going to discuss tactics and specific plans for causing disruption and damage in central London."
Police said they were determined to prevent a repeat of the violence seen in Whitehall and the Strand last year, which led to the defacing of monuments and statues, including the Cenotaph. All leave for Metropolitan Police officers has been cancelled after a warning that anti-capitalist groups from the Continent and America were also planning to travel to London to join this year's protests.
Up to 300 groups are believed to be planning a series of small-scale "hit and run" attacks aimed at bringing central London the City in particular to a halt. Sir John Stevens, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, said: "There are indications that a sizeable minority of protesters are bent on violence towards police, commercial institutions and government buildings."
The potential for disruption could be increased because May 1 this year falls on a normal working day rather than a bank holiday. Scotland Yard said it would adopt a "robust" stance towards protesters and prevent known leaders of last year's violence taking part in demonstrations this year.
Among plans, already published on anarchist websites, is to stage a game of "Mayday Monopoly" by occupying streets that feature on the board game. Financial institutions involved with debt in the developing world are among those to be harassed.
Homepage: http://www.independent.co.uk/story.jsp?story=64181
What about our point of view?
02.04.2001 12:06
I thought at least the BBC and friends were trying to keep up appearances that they offered a "balanced "report.
Or perhaps thats only up to the alternative media!
e-mail: underc@gn.apc.org
Homepage: http://www.undercurrents.org
police campaign of violence
02.04.2001 17:08
Two hundred (if you read the Sunday Telegraph) or 150 (if you read the Sunday Times) police officers were involved in the raid, even though the building was known to be empty. Officers from the Metropolitan, City and British Transport Police (if you get your news from the BBC) or Special Branch overseen by MI5 (if you read the Sunday Times) or riot police (if you read the Sunday Telegraph) were involved in violence and property destruction. "We're the law, and we can smash up what the fuck we like," a copper said, still sweating from his exertions. "I wish you hadn't smashed the bogs up, I need a shit," said another boy in blue.
There is a long history of squatting buildings for community purposes in London, and in the Brixton area in particular. This squat was one in a long line of previous squats (such as the Cool Tan - so called because it was housed in a former sun tan lotion factory, and the old Dole House). These squats have been used as meeting places for community groups, and as art and entertainment spaces. However, in recent years, a drive by local councillors to turn Brixton into a high-rent Yuppy playground has led to widespread evictions of squatters.
Anarchists squatted and continuously occupied the 121 centre on Railton Road in Brixton for more than fifteen years. By law, the building should have become the property of the occupants. However, Lambeth Council decided that building a load of shopping complexes was more important for Brixton's future than the existence of vibrant, grassroots, community groups.
Big money is more important than little people, and as ever, the police will always be on hand to effect the "legal" violence that usually accompanies such evictions. For many years, councils have employed professional "property destroyers" whose job it is to make sure that squatted buildings - once evicted - cannot be used again. For example, they might fill toilets with cement or take floor boards out.
Now that they have smashed up the former button factory they say that "a police presence will be maintained in the area to ensure community safety." Funny that - coming from the same force that routinely beats up Black men whilst in custody.
It began weeks ago!!
02.04.2001 17:11
However, activists beware - a friend of a friend tell's us that maydayers leafletting a rally at Trafalgar Sq on 24/3 were closely observed and 1 was followed on leaving the square; that night's PGA benefit at the Arsenal tavern in Finsbury Park had a constant presence of up to 6 cops outside until midnight (from all 3 forces - Met; City & B/Transport). Apparently the following day the mayday collective meeting was closely observed by cops
from the 3 forces in a van over the road, who also used a zoom lens camera to take shots of anyone entering/leaving the (pub) venue. This is blatant intimdation & intelligence gathering, but don't let it get to you, protesting is not a crime, nor is going to a benefit nor a meeting. It is
also a fishing expedition for anyone 'wanted' from previous events (see the News of the World 18/3 for photos) - so clearly if you think the cops may have something on you be careful !
Great story
02.04.2001 23:32
Love the story. Made me laugh out loud. Feel well charged after your excellent blast of free-thinking thought and prose.
Dan Anchorman
Crackdown a coming
03.04.2001 07:17
Pressure is being increased on anti-capitalist movements throughout europe - look out the summer!
As for the button faktory - bastards!
It was used a communal space, one ace venue for parties and useful place for meetings. Their well over the top multi numbered riot police raid was just part of their squalid media war.
03.04.2001 07:42
From independent article featured above:
"The redundant button factory was due to be used for a weekend meeting by protest leaders planning to repeat the violence seen on May Day 2000, when 150,000 people gathered in central London."
This figure recently made its fantasy debut in The Sunday Times article 'Anarchists plot London Mayday riot' published on March 18th - (see http://uk.indymedia.org/display.php3?article_id=2360):
"Police believe this year's event - the first to be held on a working day in the capital rather than a bank holiday - is set to be the biggest, with as many as 300 groups taking part. Last year's attracted an estimated 150,000 people."
Astounding! As has been said before not even something like the demonstrations against the IMF and World Bank in Prague last year could draw numbers like that!
Proof positive (if it was ever needed) that these journos are lazy sloppy lazy.
Maybe they'll run a story after mayday this year along the lines of 'Mayday protest falters as only 50,000 take to streets' :-) ahem.
meeja hor
links (again): button eviction and mayday
03.04.2001 11:06
Mayday Monopoly
Mayday General
03.04.2001 14:46
Organisers of this year's protests published a target list on the internet last week, giving addresses of scores of London shops and offices to be picketed or occupied.
Previous anarchist protests in the capital have descended into rioting and bloodshed. The organisers of this year's action are keen to point out that anything goes. Protesters are told: "Rules? There are no rules!"
In addition to previous targets such as McDonald's restaurants and luxury car dealers, this year's protests are likely to focus on banks, accountants, newspapers and embassies, as well as hotels, clubs, chain stores and bureaux de change.
The Special Branch believes a core of 20 to 30 organisers behind the protests is mostly made up of the same people who led the British contingent during rioting in Prague last September, when 500 people were arrested
Homepage: http://www.sunday-times.co.uk/news/pages/sti/2001/04/01/stinwenws01010.html
Anarchists chance...
04.04.2001 21:04
SchNEWS 300 says:
06.04.2001 16:10
“If a genuine and serious grievance arose, such as might result from a significant drop in the standard of living, all those who now dissipate their protest over a wide variety of causes might concentrate their efforts and produce a situation which was beyond the power of the police to handle.” Frank Kitson, Low Intensity Operations
Last Saturday morning 200 police took part in a dawn raid on the Button Factory in Brixton. Cops claimed that the centre was “A secret training centre for anarchists who are planning to bring chaos to London on May Day”. Apparently, “Anarchists from across Europe were due to gather… this weekend for riot training and planning.”
The raid is part of the hysteria leading up to the planned Monopoly May Day protests with stories in the papers getting more and more ludicrous as the day approaches. The cops feed the media and the media feeds the cops until broken skulls and mass arrests are seen as essential to stop marauding anarchists from leaving the capital and city in ruins.
But it’s also part of a wider picture - in this country and across the world – of resistance and opposition to injustice, ecological destruction and poverty being criminalised. As campaigners against single issues like roads or genetics are increasingly cottoning on to the fact that it’s the whole damn capitalist system that needs to be overthrown, they’re finding themselves being described as ‘terrorists’. The stakes are being raised.
The British State is the most experienced place in the world at quelling resistance. General Frank Kitson (who worked in Malaya, Ireland and then Britain in the early 80’s) wrote the British state’s handbook on dealing with ‘subversion’ Low Intensity Operations way back in 1971. In it he emphasises the importance of intelligence gathering using “a large number of low grade sources”, “psychological operations” such as propaganda against opposition groups, use of the media to target individuals and the use of infiltrators. The aim of this activity is to divide and destroy the movement by encouraging ineffective opposition (voting for ‘left-wing’ MPs, marching from A to B, listening passively to public speakers at rallies, signing petitions...) at the same time as using the media, police, courts and prisons to destroy effective opposition. As Kitson puts it, the way to smash a movement is “to associate as many prominent members of the population, especially those who may have engaged in non-violent action, with the government” and “to discover and neutralise the genuine subversive element”.
Since May Day 2000 this strategy has been actively pursued in Britain. The police used May Day itself to gather an enormous amount of intelligence and get its mates in the media to portray such actions in the future as ‘unacceptable’ and those involved as ‘criminal’. Alongside the arrests, raids and imprisonments, it was not long before “prominent” people “involved in non-violent action” were joining in the police’s attacks on the Mayday action and specifically on alleged organisers. These people were quickly used by groups uninvolved in direct action to promote some kind of third way between direct action and doing nothing - a sort of being annoyed at capitalism while tut-tutting people who do something about it. The prominent individuals proposing this sort of ineffectual opposition soon find themselves getting newspaper columns, appearing on chat shows and generally being promoted by those in control of the media. Unless they show support for effective opposition on the streets, that is - in which case they can kiss goodbye to their newspaper columns.
Kitson pointed out that it’s no good just repressing opposition when people have genuine grievances - you must allow people to let off steam, but only in ways that don’t have any effect. Our job is to make sure that our resistance isn’t just about letting off steam, shouting at the telly and cheering people at rallies - but about taking effective action.
Without any sbrand spanking new Terrorism Act came into effect just two days after the UK and good ol’ USA bombed Baghdad. We’ve mentioned the new law plenty of times, but going to the People’s Global Action Conference in Milan we heard first hand from across the globe how different governments are dealing with the growing anti-capitalist movement. And hey what a surprise, it’s a pretty standard formula: spread propaganda that these people will eat your babies and that the only way to stop them is more repressive laws.
But the fact remains, it isn’t anti-capitalists, environmentalists or even those dastardly animal rights protestors who have been bombing Baghdad or Belgrade (yeah, we know - it was ‘humanitarian’ bombing). It isn’t protestors who welcomed with open arms Russia’s President Putin after he’d bombed Chechnya back into the dark ages. It isn’t protestors who sell Hawk jets to dictators, refuse AIDS drugs to Africans because they’re poor, dump toxic chemicals in the poorest countries in the world . We could go on…
Quite by chance however, one clause under the UK’s Terrorism Act states that its OK to bomb Baghdad as “nothing in this section imposes criminal liability on any person acting on behalf of, or holding office under, The Crown.” It’s just when you protest against government policy that you become a terrorist. As the saying goes, “you can’t be a terrorist if you’ve got an airforce”.
The Button Factory was opened as a social centre late summer last year, and has been used for a variety of different benefit gigs, get-togethers and parties. But that’s now all come to an end after the owner and his hired heavies used mechanical diggers to make the place uninhabitable. So let’s get this straight - the police en masse raid an empty building and take ‘materials’ from it. The owners then smash up the building and make it uninhabitable. The police then keep the building guarded and under surveillance so anarchists don’t try and meet there and make plans for er, smashing up buildings.
FROM ScNEWS 300th Bumper Issue - also covering global 'terrorism' clampdown and Temporary Autonomous Zones...
Happy Anniversary!
Homepage: http://www.schnews.org.uk/archive/news300.htm
No to Anarchist violence
09.04.2001 12:49
I'm glad that the Met has put their base of operations out of action. Hopefully the Police can restore order on May Day and put as many of these "anarchist" hooligans where they rightfully belong....prison cells.
A concerned British citizen
14.04.2001 10:10
I think the Met should be ashamed of its self as what they did was very cowardly and has indeed justified the anarchist cause- I thought this kind of pathetic behaviour only thrived in countries like uganda, zimbabwe, etc. excuse me of my minimal english.
ViVa anarchism!
Same Thing In The U.S.A.
18.04.2001 05:42
Same Thing In The U.S.A.
18.04.2001 05:42
30.04.2001 09:51
true brit