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Just Cause Needs Your Help !

Oakland Residents | 26.03.2001 07:55


Just Cause Needs Your Vote
Oakland Ca. 3/25/01

The Eviction For Profit System gears up for another 4 years as Mayor Jerry Brown seeks re-election. The Mayor
pretends that he does not hear from enough people to get his attention. We need you to flood their offices with a message. Why ?

Oakland Citizens face the terror of the landlords and Mayor Jerry Brown's efforts to Gentrify Oakland. The forced relocation of thousands are the result, and tens of
thousands more at risk. Many become homeless.

We need your help to get their attention at City Hall.
We need a Just Cause Evictions Measure so that landlords
may only evict renters for a Just Cause. This will end the Eviction For Profit System now in place.

What can you do? During the next week, forward this message to all you know, and then send an e-mail "NOW" demanding that Oakland votes in a Just Cause Evictions Measure Now !


Send your message to: Oakland City Officials.

Only you can help to stop the forced relocation of thousands....In advance, I thank you for all of your help in this matter... We Want Just Cause ! Send those e-mails now !

Oakland Residents