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Cheryl Seal | 24.03.2001 13:53

Presents a time-line and series of facts that points chillingly toward bioterrorism as the underlying cause of the current hoof and mouth crisis.

Cheryl Seal
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Engineered cows

24.03.2001 16:01

Youv'e hit the nail on the head here. I feel a public enquiry coming on.



24.03.2001 16:35

I feel a revolution coming on....just bring it! Anarchy NOW!


A Multi- layered scandal

24.03.2001 16:39

There are so many "manufactured" aspects to this
F & M "crisis", economic, biological, and political. One feels all the deceits that comprise the collection of interests known as the Establishment are finally meeting up in this slaughter.
One bizzarre story I heard on the BBC news this lunchtime was that the Duke of Westminster had "sealed" three of his farm workers in a kind of quarantine with his pedigree herd of cows; does this mean his lordship will be spared the 'cull' meted out to other farmers ? Did the workers involved have any free choice in the matter, for that kind of internment cannot be legal... but then, what does 'legal' mean here nowadays ?

Judge Mentle
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Antichrist cometh

24.03.2001 17:27

The establishment being the servants of Satan, seeped in blood sacrifice.

The Beast


25.03.2001 19:59

I Notice in "The Guardian" that pigswill is suspected of being the vector for the hoof and mouth disaster, just as it may have been for "Mad cow". This would add even more weight to the idea that corporate terrorists introduced the pathogen to the UK and elsewhere. Pigswill comes from leftover food from restaurants, airlines, and schools. How terribly easy for even an inept terrorist to introduce death and destruction. Three years ago, a ban on pig swill was demanded, but rejected by the government as "too costly." The irony of that stupid reasoning defies any comment. IT'S TIME TO DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION!!! DON'T LET MONSANTO AND OTHER CHEM COMPANIES STEAL OUR FREEDOM, OUR DIGNITY AND, IN THE END OUR LIVES!

Cheryl Seal
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Playing God...or the Devil?

25.03.2001 21:33

Monsanto is a criminal organisation and GM technology is in their hands.


Foot & Mouth Bonapartism

28.03.2001 18:21

Foot & Mouth 'Bonapartism'

Whilst one doesn't as yet know what the purpose is behind the
latest 'outbreak' of flu amongst animals and why whole parts of the
UK have been cut off... one clearly sees a pattern developing of
wiping out the Common Agricultural Policy under guise of measures
taken for our 'health'. Coming on the backs of the salmonella, mad
cow disease scares this one is the latest in a series of measures
taken by Ministries whose aim is to collapse the small businessman.
Daniel Guerin in his fascinating book Fascism and Big Business
describes how in the 1930's big business destroyed the urban middle
class and concentrated all production into serving the interests of
the German state. Modern Britain takes measures to serve the
interests of the supermarket mafias in the name of 'hygiene and
health'. More and more power is being concentrated into the hands of
big business under health scares directed an controlled by
unchallenged government committees.
The issue at stake who is speaking out against it?

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