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VEGAN organizing opportunity?

Harel Barzilai | 23.03.2001 17:56

BSE, and now foot-and-mouth -- an organizing opportunity?

As a vegan in the US, who regularly reads BBC, e.g.

it seems like the tragedies of BSE, vCJD, foot-and-mouth, etc, offer
the perfect opportunity for a MASSIVE public education campaign in the UK
and Europe generally, by vegetarian, vegan, animal-rights, and environmental/justice
organizers and activists to promote a plant-based diet -- is anyone doing this? I hope so!


Harel Barzilai
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half smart

24.03.2001 06:44

With half the national livestock going in animal shoah
will half the population stop eating meat?

Sound Advice

24.03.2001 11:22

One doubts whether their will be much (safe) meat left to eat, so the carnivores will panic buy what's left and prices will soar. Lentils is a nice alternative.



24.03.2001 12:30

My cottage in Scotland is surrounded by farmlands, with grazing sheep and cows, it’s a pleasant view. There are also a couple of large herds of beautiful domesticated deer, not to mention magnificent Highland cattle. It’s all rather idyllic. But one gets the impression it could all turn into carnage, if MAFF, continues on it’s present course of slash and burn, right across the country. I can’t imagine living amongst these killing fields, with the military deployed to restrict my movements, infringing my civil liberties. It’s all so perfectly contrived, it makes my stomach churn.


DAISY ! If you're near to the quarantine

24.03.2001 16:52

please send some reports, especially if the farmers step up their resistance. I cannot believe they have all capitulated at the first visit from the Great Prime Monster. Try to tell the urban left that we must give some degree of support to small farmers; it is they who are being decimated, not the wealthy landowning aristocracy.

Judge Mentle

Blatant Bullshit

24.03.2001 17:34

Yes Judge, it hasn't reached here, yet, but you'll notice that the only places left 'open for business' in the countryside is Natioal Heritage, Aristocratic Stately Homes and Castles.


No problem!

25.03.2001 13:24

Foot & Mouth is Nature's way of culling cloven-hoofed beasts, it's like the flu. It takes out the old and young and the strong develop immunity, it's like measles you only catch it once in a lifetime, so why the slaughter? This disease is not threatening anyone's health, but the smoke and toxic chemicals they are spraying ARE!
