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DR. W.H.O. | 21.03.2001 11:27

One third of all schitzophrenic cases are auto-immune in nature, and childhood vaccines are implicated.

ALL vaccines cause Minimum Brain Damage (MBD) common knowledge since the 1940’s. For some it is more severe (retardation.) The symptoms of post-vaccinal encephalitis include, autism, dyslexia, attention defecit disorder, meningitis, sudden infant death syndrome, allergies, epilepsy and juvenile delinquency. In later life, it can manifest as M.E, M.S, muscular dystrophy, premature senile dementia, Guillaime-Barre syndrome, Altzeimers and Parkinson’s disease, amongst others.

Prior to 1958 measles was 95% in decline, still a vaccination programme was introduced. Since then, 80% of “non-preventable” cases occurr in vaccinated children. Every child in the UK (except mine) have just taken part in Nationwide immunisation programmes, to prevent a T.B, measles and meningitis outbreak. There is now a meningitis scare in a North London school.(?)

Vaccination is flawed, germs are beneficial to the body, they strengthen immunity and do not cause disease, the germ is nothing, the weakened immune system, caused by enemy viruses injected into the immature cells of a baby, is everything! Immediate after effects include, pain, high-fever, swelling, diarrhoea, projectile vomiting, sleepiness, screaming and seizures.

I was vaccinated, but still caught measles, German measles, mumps and chickenpox. No doubt I’m getting senile too…..

DR. W.H.O.


Hide the following 10 comments


22.03.2001 10:36

Are there some double blind studies to back up what you say?

Don't believe the hypodermic

22.03.2001 18:03

These facts, figures and statistics came from learned and emminent doctors in their field. To quote, Dr. Jonas Salk, creator of the 'killed-virus' vaccine, "live vaccine was the principal, if not the sole cause of all reported polio cases in the US since 1961.

Dr. Who

raving lunatic

22.03.2001 19:18

You really had me going until you said "...and juvenile delinquency..."

So my vaccinated children are more at risk to be juvenile delinquents than unvaccinated children?

Will they also have a higher risk of being abducted by aliens??


Bury your head in the sand

22.03.2001 20:06

Frankly yes, children not vaccinated for measles are less likely to catch it than those who are. And juvenile delinquency is often a result of MBD, many of us are vaccine damaged and don't know it, probably you too Aaron, by the sound of it!

Dr Who


23.03.2001 10:35

Info on this kind of stuff can be found in a magzine called "what doctors don't tell you"
They do have a website, but I've forgoten what it is.
From what I can remember their stuff is rather more substantiated than Dr. Who's.

DR Who. Part of the problem with the medical
profession is that they make claims about medicines without the evidence to support them. They expect uss to believe them becausse of who they are, rather than giving us the evidence and allowing us to make up our own minds. Suggesting to people that they stop vaccinating themselves and their kids based on the opinions of a random individual on the internet (particularly one called Dr Who!) is asking a bit much. If you have any references for thiss I ssuggest you share them with us, so that people can make up their own minds and not do what someone else tells them.

richard byrne
mail e-mail:

Doctor knows best

23.03.2001 11:30

I'm not telling people what to do, they are intelligent enough to make their own judgements about this issue, I found out the information for myself, I suggest you do too. Doctors orders!

Dr. Who

Multiple versus single vaccines

23.03.2001 14:16

I'm not convinced that all vaccines are harmful at all times. Smallpox has been completely wiped out worldwide following a huge vaccination program; "wild" polio and other diseases have also been significantly reduced. The problem IMHO lies in the old problem of one-size-fits-all medical practice. There are many vaccine advocates who believe that all infectious disease can and therefore must be wiped out by vaccination, at all costs. This is what's behind the current practice of multi-vaccine "cocktails", like the MMR vaccine, administered to children as early as 6 months old in parts of the UK and US. There is ample scientific evidence available from well-qualified researchers in many countries that this practice is more dangerous than can be justified by the potential benefits. I believe it should be scrapped in favour of careful use of single vaccines, where long-term epidemiological studies show strong benefits. The current controversy in the UK press surrounding the studies of the MMR triple vaccine by Dr. Andrew Wakefield at the Royal Free Hospital are at the heart of this debate in the UK. Private Eye has been running a column on it for the past few weeks, suually located towards the back of the magazine, just before the classifieds. On the evidence to hand, this will eventually blow up in some UK govt's face: the practice was started under the Tories, and is being heavily pushed still under the Blair govt. Note that while Blair and Milburn continue to deny funding to the MRC to conduct further long-term studies of the MMR vaccine, they were happy to announce a 3 million pound PR campaign for vaccination. This now appears to have been quietly dropped (possibly to gather slush money for compensating the farmers), but real change is yet to come. I strongly urge all IndyMedia readers with young children to read up on this debate carefully, as it's plain that this gov't have no intention of doing so on your behalf. Here's a good place for UK readers to start:




23.03.2001 19:07

The small-pox vaccination programme 'may' have wiped out that disease, but this immunisation programme introduced AIDS instead. WHO figures for small-pox vaccines in Central Africa, match precicely the numbers infected with AIDS.



23.03.2001 20:29

Dr Viera Scheibner describes herself as a retired principal research scientist. She has a PhD in micropaleontology and in 1993 published a book - Vaccination 100 Years of Orthodox Research shows that Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System.

Dr Scheibner is staunchly anti-immunisation and she claims that she has come to this view as a result of collecting "just about every publication written on the subject of the effectiveness and dangers of vaccines".

Lest there be any confusion I will allow Dr Scheibner to make her own position quite clear:

...there is no evidence whatsoever that vaccines of any kind - but especially those against childhood diseases - are effective in preventing the infectious diseases they are supposed to prevent.

Dr Who

Smallpox again

24.03.2001 11:34

Dr. Who wrote:

"Lest there be any confusion I will allow Dr Scheibner to make her own position quite clear:

...there is no evidence whatsoever that vaccines of any kind - but especially those against childhood diseases - are effective in preventing the infectious diseases they are supposed to prevent."

'No evidence whatsoever'? If she is a scientist, then she must surely mean that she "does not believe there is enough evidence yet to warrant the conclusion" that nearly all of her peers have arrived at. Since I've not seen any of the opposing evidence that Dr. Schreibner posits for such a sweeping categorical assertion, I can only ask: if vaccines did not eradicate smallpox, then what did? Where did it go? Why are we not seeing any new cases at all worldwide?

It might interest you to know that Dr. Schreibner is actually a geologist, possesses no recognised medical qualifications, and has apparently published no formal medical research, ever. She was an assistant professor of geology, and as you correctly state, and is an expert in paeleontology, a non-medical field. She may have a Phd, but she is no better qualified to pronounce on immunology, or any other medical speciality, than someone with a Phd in history.

As soon as she puts out a scientific study offering some evidence for her astonishing claims, I will give it my full attention. I do suspect that our son's autism and IBD is at least partly attributable to the MMR vaccine. We should be fighting the bad, profit-driven science of Big Pharma and gov't with good, independent science. Please join us.

Jon (a former immunopathologist without a Phd in anything)
