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Questions about pyres

Fred P | 19.03.2001 18:35

Can fire bear virus aloft?

I understand why the govt. wants to burn the animals - to destroy the virus, but is it totally safe?

Is an animal disinfected before it is tossed on a pyre?

Does the animal catch fire immediately, or does it sit on the pyre for minutes or hours before it catches fire?

Could the virus be bourn aloft by the heat from the pyre, before it is consumed by that heat?

Just questions we might want to think about.

Fred P


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Winning the argument.

19.03.2001 20:27

No doubt the ash will be swept under the carpet, as the government are determined to win this propaganda war with the farmers and are launching a public campaign, to do just that.


Related article

19.03.2001 21:25

This article covers insights of a farmer who lived through the 1967 outbreak of FMD in the United Kingdom:

He also worries about the spread of FMD by burning carcasses.

Mr P

I think the govt wants burn the farmers too

20.03.2001 16:18

The government is inflicting an onslaught, not a cull; there is a massive political element to all this. Note how the BBC is "reinterviewing" all those Cumbrian farmers who laast week were talking defiance against the MAFF(ia), but who now seem oddly in favor of the new massacre. What was said to them ? Were they offered carrots, or sticks ? We know how jealous and resentful the British establishment can be...

Jezh Kurtitsa

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21.03.2001 10:00

What about the toxic chemicals the MAFF(IA) are spraying willy-nilly all over farmyards? While the vets are dressed in space-suits, farmers 'confined to barracks' with their families have no choice but to stay and absorb noxious fumes. This problem, no doubt, will manifest itself in the future as some new disease, exclusive to country people.

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21.03.2001 19:22

Baroness Hayman, the Agriculture Minister, admitted that MAFF phoned a timber-yard, two weeks prior to the Foot & Mouth outbreak, to enquire if they had a sufficient supply of logs for funeral pyres. She said this was contingency plans! Why were the government preparing in advance for an epidemic which had not yet materialized?



22.03.2001 10:50

by govt,s,corporates or even individuals is possible.
Factory farming is culpable for cruelty
abolish official secrets act to learn more.
The whole thing stinks!