8th of march! Enzo received an e-mail...
Enzo Le Fevre | 08.03.2001 15:02
Message from the Global Women's Strike co-ordination (London), I received this e-mail today...maybe there is something good in their words....
This morning a message was sent to my e-mail address...
enjoy... Enzo Le Fevre - The Press Avenue - IMC Belgium
Dear striking sisters and the men who support us,
You will get this letter and its attachments in both English and Spanish.
We are sending two attachments: Strike highlights as well as a more complete
round-up of Strike news which you may want to use at your events and with
the media.
Please, visit the webpage which has three FANTASTIC new jingles by the
women's group in SanCristobal de las Casas, Mexico, and all the latest news.
You will also find two GREAT publicity films of 40 seconds and 3 minutes.
You should also know that the international feminist radio (FIRE) of Costa
Rica is circulating Strike information on their programme. They are doing a
10-hour webcast dedicated to the global struggles of women against racism.
It will include an interview with me, and they would love to get news from
you about your Strike activities. Why not send them an email on 8 March?
Their email is:
Please don't forget to take photos and film your events. We have put
together a lovely 27-minute video of the first Strike which you will be able
to get next week - there was no time to finish it earlier. Also, send your
last minute news so we can circulate them globally - we all want to enjoy
And on 9 March, don't forget to send reports of your events (even if they're
brief) so we can start updating the webpage - all Strike participants will
be waiting anxiously to hear how they went!
There are more and more of us and we're more and more mad!!!! This year
many more women committed themselves to the Strike, and its demands were
widely circulated. On the basis of each sector's autonomy, starting with
those of us who have less power in this world of hierarchies which divide us
according to sex, race, class, language, nationality, age, sexual
preference, ocupation, whether we live in a village or a city . . . we can
Wishing you all a most exciting day!!
Nina Lopez-Jones
Global Women's Strike co-ordination (London)
Enzo Le Fevre