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Hackney Town Hall Occupied!

Rhythms Of Resistence | 07.03.2001 21:09

As striking London Borough of Hackney workers massed in front of the Town Hall in the latest one day strike against massive cuts, privatisation and job losses, a group of residents and workers including the Rhythms of Resistance drum band, cheekily bypassed Police and security, entered and occupied the Town Hall.

Today's one day strike called by the UNISON union in response to massive attacks on peoples livlihoods and services in the Borough, was pepped up by an early start from ROR.

During an early morning tour of picket lines, they livened up workers striking at Haggerston Girls School, then the Social Services office in Spurstowe Terrace. As a rally began in front of the Town Hall, a delegation of 50 complete with rythmic support walked in through the front door and proceeded to rock the building. Drumming their way down the corridors of power, then back out of the front door. Police and security, appeared powerless in the face of direct democracy!

As the 50 returned to the Town Hall square, workers issued with 90 day notices ceremonially burned them, before a short demonstration made it's way around local streets.

The struggle against the neo liberal policies of the local state in Hackney is alive and kicking!

Rhythms Of Resistence
- e-mail: ianinpraha"


Display the following 3 comments

  1. 1968 all over again? — olie
  2. Occupation in Lambeth too — Lambeth Unemployment Project
  3. Wot no pictures? — Pat