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Protest Report: Pharmacutical companies + S Africa

MH | 07.03.2001 16:23

Below are pictures and the text of the leaflet given out at the protest outside South Africa House, London on 5th March 2001.

Protesters moved on to lobby pharmacutical companies calling for them to drop their action.

Protest Report: Pharmacutical companies + S Africa
Protest Report: Pharmacutical companies + S Africa

Leaflet text:

39 multinational drug companies want to stop the South African government buying cheap medicines. They are challenging the 1997 Medicines Act which Nelson Mandeia's Government introduced to ensure that South Africans have affordable medicines for treating HIV/AIDS and other illnesses. If the drug companies win the case, it will prevent the South African Government from importing and producing the cheap drugs its population desperately needs to treat HIV/AIDS-related illnesses.

People in developing countries are dying every day because they cannot afford basic medicines. During the time it has taken this case to come to court, 400,000 people in South Africa have died of HIV/AIDS, many because they cannot afford life saying medicines. This case is critical for the 30 million people infected with HIV/AIDS in developing countries, as what happens in South Africa will affect how other countries import medicines. Without drugs for HIV/AIDS, 1 in 200 of the world's population will be condemned to early deaths.



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If this makes you sick find out more at...

07.03.2001 16:39

(forgot to include them in report)


Feeling sick

08.03.2001 08:57

People are dying as a result of pharmacutical greed, arn't drug companies supposed to be helping the sick, not profiting from illness? This court action makes it clear, AIDS was designed to kill as many Africans as possible, it is viral warfare.


another approach to AIDS

12.03.2001 01:42

Viral walfare? Or media war? 99% of things you know about AIDS come from the big medias. 99,9% of research is based in one assumption. What if this assumption is wrong? Do you know ?

Guerra vírica? O mediática? El 99% de lo que sabes del SIDA viene de los grandes medios. El 99,9% de la investigación se basa en un supuesto. Y si éste está equivocado?
Conoces ?

solo uno más
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Just goes to show you...

14.03.2001 12:46

Just goes to show you how interested our governments are in REALLY keeping us healthy...(that's sarcasm for those that don't get it..)
This will continue as long as the governments allow it....Pharmaceutical companies push their weight around a lot, and figure this, .... half the stuff is really bad for you anyway.

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