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Just Desserts | 06.03.2001 11:45

At a meeting in Bangor, north Wales, Clare Short, Britain’s International Development Secretary, has just been custard-pied in recognition of her disservice to the world’s poor. She promotes a version of globalisation which makes the poor poorer, while enriching big business.


For Immediate Release
19.00 March 5th 2001
Stills and film footage available - see below

Clare Short, Britain's International Development Secretary, has just been custard-pied in recognition of her disservice to the world's poor.

Just Desserts, or Dim ond Cwstard, pied her when she visited Bangor in north-west Wales at 19.00 this evening. She was delivering a lecture on globalisation at the University of Wales, when three local patisseristas presented her with custard pies in Short-crust pastry, made with fair-trade bananas and local organic ingredients. Ms Short is believed to be the first government minister on earth to have received a special Cabinet Pudding.

Baked to a new recipe, the pies have been christened the Short-crust Bananas Turnover, to mark both the minister's political volte-face and the madness of her current globalisation policies. Ms Short was doubtless pleased to note that after the pie-ing there was a marked Trickle-Down Effect, as her clothes were enriched by the same commodities which had been imported into her face.

Clare Short was pied because she promotes a version of globalisation which makes the poor poorer, while enriching big business. For example, a recent World Bank study (Lundberg and Squire) found that forcing developing countries to open their doors to foreign companies further impoverishes the poorest 40%.

The General Agreement on Trade in Services, which the UK government will be supporting at international negotiations later this month, will force the privatisation of health, education and other public sector services all over the world.

The recent foot and mouth outbreak, which could destroy the livelihoods of many Welsh farmers, is a direct result of the kind of globalisation Clare Short supports. The infection is believed to have come from pork imported from South Africa or South East Asia: a crazy and unnecessary trade, when our own pig farmers are going bust.

Agent Cwstard commented, "Clare Short's bananas policies are flying in the face of ministerial promises to help the world's poor and protect the environment. Our alternative flan of action involves policies which stick, while distributing the fruits of the global economy to those who are most deserving."

For still pictures of the pie-ing, please contact: David Hoffman, 0208 981 5041
lib@ or

For professional film footage, please contact: Zoe Broughton, 07779 268832,
01865 771076,

For further information, contact:

Just Desserts
- e-mail:


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Woman charged over pie attack on Clare Short

06.03.2001 16:48

A woman has been charged with public order offences in connection with a custard pie-throwing attack on Clare Short.

The International Development Secretary had custard flans planted firmly in her face moments after delivering a speech at Bangor University in North Wales last night.

The minister, who had earlier visited the university's agricultural centre, was not injured but was left with a thick trail of yellow creme anglaise on her jacket.

A 34-year-old Manchester woman, who has not been named, was arrested last night following the incident at the university's arts centre, a spokeswoman for North Wales Police said.

She was charged under the Public Order Act before being bailed to appear before Bangor magistrates court next Monday. The purpose of the protest was not immediately known.

Last updated: 15:28 Tuesday 6th March 2001



06.03.2001 18:04

could you post the recipe, please?

Hairy Scary

The Baker

08.03.2001 09:01

I do hope this girl gets off, because I advocated the 'pie-ing' of Claire Short on IMC. and feel partially responsible for incitement to pie!



17.03.2001 00:43

Got Shorty!!!!!!


Custard isn't as popular in the U.S. : (

27.03.2001 11:58

It is morning time here in Brooklyn, and I am sure this is the funniest thing I will read all day.
What sort of punishment does one get for pie-ing? We are so fucking (translate as 'bloody') litigious in America that activists are probably too afraid to do this sort of thing. Being thrown in jail and being sued are very different. Regardless of a law suit, pie-ing a major member of the government would get you an FBI file of your very own. I'm impressed, but I wonder what the consequences are.

Chris Steinsvold
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