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Arabs Who Live In Glass Houses

John Reilly | 01.03.2001 19:25

Arabs Who Live In Glass Houses

It seems like forever we've heard condemnation of Israel's "occupation" of the "Palestinian" people.

Arabs who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Let's analyze the Arab World's treatment of non-Arabs/non-Muslims within its borders.

Iraq is a weird amalgamation, a demographic fantasy created after World War II to protect British oil interests. The northern third of this "nation" is Kurdish. The Arab-Iraqi government has denied the Kurds equal rights, suppressed the Kurdish drive toward independence, massacred at least 5000 Kurds with poison gas (1988), and has conducted numerous military offensives against this abused people. The last major one, in the aftermath of the Gulf War, pushed nearly the whole Kurdish population out of their homes, into freezing cold mountain ranges, where their was no food.

The Arabs must end the occupation of the Kurdish people. They must recognize the legitimate rights of the Kurdish people, according to U.N. Resolutions 242 and 338.

Now the situation in the Sudan is one of the biggest outrages in modern history. The Arabs have brought back a golden oldie: slavery. If you are an African black in the Sudan, prepare to lose all your human rights: if the Arabs catch you, they will lock you in chains and auction you off to the highest bidder: you will never see your family again, and receive a life sentence of miserable involuntary servitude. And we thought slavery ended after the American Civil War. However, if you are a lucky black Sudanese, you will be killed in one of the genocidal Arab military operations against your people.

The Arabs must end the occupation of the Sudanese black people. They must recognize the legitimate rights of the Sudanese black people, according to U.N. Resolutions 242 and 338. The Arabs must end their Medieval practice of slavery.

Now what about minority Arab communities within Arab countries? We all know of the Lebanese Civil Wars, which have transformed Lebanon from a progressive, cosmopolitan state, into an Islamic terrorist base. The Christian community there has been shattered, with many of its members fleeing abroad.

As for the Bedouins and Druze, while the former is definitively Muslim and the latter regard themselves as such, they have been eternally brutalized by the prevailing Arab powers, so much so that both groups, appreciative of Israel's recognition of their rights, long ago decided it was in their best interest to assist in the defense of the Jewish state.

Why should the "Palestinians" be granted another state? They already have Jordan. Why not create states for Lebanese Christians and Druze? And why aren't the Bedouins guaranteed safe passage throughout routes they have been traveling in the Middle East for the last 2000 years?

Surely, U.N. Resolutions 242 and 338 must be applied to these persecuted communities. Arabs must recognize the legitimate rights of Lebanese Christians, Druze, and Bedouins.

Arabs have a lot of soul searching to do.

John Reilly


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Save the Nubians!

02.03.2001 09:18

The NWO are fueling Arab/Christian wars, to fulfill their own agenda, like destabilising East Africa. Sudan...this war is the greatest tragedy of modern times. The ancient beautiful, peaceful Nuba tribe have missiles raining down on their mud huts, crops are deliberately destroyed and non-violent youths are forced to arm themselves to defend their lands. This is genocide at it's most heinous. This is an untold Holocaust.

Heart Sickened

Jealous gods

02.03.2001 11:38

The Taliban in Afghanistan, are firing rockets at massive ancient statues of the peaceful Bhudda, carved into cliff-sides. It seems Allah, the one true god, is intolerant to the ancient customs and traditions of other cultures. He is also a brutal and sexist god, and condones decapitations and amputations...give me Bhudda every time in preference to Allah.
