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Elections - what elections - thoughts on voting.

mango | 28.02.2001 11:44

NOBODY cares if you boycott the election.
NOBODY will remember you or your anger.
Don't forsake your right to vote!
When it comes to ballot time, write:-

or just vote NOBODY - X

Someone on uk.politics.electoral said:-

>Don't vote, it only encourages them.

I just cannot see any logic or future in this statement whatsoever. Without 'one person one vote' (almost useless as it has admittedly proven to be over the last 20 or so years) we return to forms of feudalism - entirely helpless
rather than 'just' relatively so.

Agreed that the present devalued corporate-run state of two party 'democracy' is of no help or use to the majority of unrepresented ordinary folk and mostly damages their health, liberty and long-term well-being:

Agreed that we are now teetering daily between oligarchy and totalitarianism - mainly due to wall-to-wall corpspeak disinformation and an undiscerning apathetic mass of people who have forgotten that a real democracy has to be worked at by each individual:

Agreed that we seem helpless in the face of a two-and-a-half party kleptocracy intent on selling off all the hard won common wealth financed over the decades by our taxes (GATS being the latest piratical scam) to the highest bidder:

Agreed that nothing we do seems capable of halting the rising tide of gross govt criminality, spinelessness and negligence (DU, NMD, Climate change, BSE, TA2000, GM and related biopiracy, PFI/PPP, etc etc ad inf):

BUT ignoring our right to vote just plays directly to corporate aims and elitist hands with vested interests, like Stelzer, Krebs, Sainsbury, the megalomaniac oil men and all the shadowy bankers and other sharks with selfish unreasonable appetites who never dare show their true faces in public. Read 'Captive State' by George Monbiot if you think I am overstating the case.

Given the above, can any of us really afford NOT to vote, if only to exercise one of the very few rights left to those of us with less than a couple of million to throw at politicians to do our bidding?

Voting at the next General Selection (see sig lines) would seem to be the only viable route towards eventual direct democracy left to us in the face of almost certain corporate global hegemony, bar voting for our often wise but largely
ineffective and far too low profile Green Party
[], anyway.

How much is a half page advert in the Sun? Contributors please? [¦-/

Enough ~registered~ disgust CAN tumble this repressive, venal and morally bankrupt system.

Spread the word.


NOBODY cares if you boycott the election.
NOBODY will remember you or your anger.
Don't forsake your right to vote!
When it comes to ballot time, write:-

or just vote NOBODY - X

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Hide the following 6 comments

Still Anarchic

01.03.2001 18:30

Yes this is all very well, mango, but who the fuck are you going to vote for? They all represent the same old repression. Tried, tested and failed policies, and please don't say the Greens, the most manipulated party of all...punting 'global warming' to distract us from deployment of lethal H.A.A.R.P. Anarchy is the only way, the only option we have been consistently denied, which is now a terrorist offence. Total freedom, liberty and compromise.

Ann Anarchy

RE: Still anarchic - of course!!

02.03.2001 10:13

You say:-
'Yes this is all very well, mango, but who the fuck are you going to vote for? '

Er - NOBODY!! Perhaps you miss the point? The more spoilt ballots, the less mandate to the next govt. Anarchy at its finest, surely? Just boycotting sends no message whatsoever - just lumps you in with Blair's 'apathetics'.



Waste of Time

02.03.2001 11:44

Blair wants to fine us 'apathetics' 10 quid for not voting...the chancellor will make a killing at elections! So, okay, I'll vote for the Natural Law Party, just for you...NOT! I've only voted once in my life and now realize it was a serious error of judgement, I won't make that mistake again, for NOBODY!

Annie the Anarchist


02.03.2001 17:32

The British public don't seem at all concerned by the fact that the country is now a no-go area, and 'thoughtless' ramblers face a 5,000 pound fine for infringing this new 'emergency' law! Prince Charles predicted this epidemic a year ago. Is he psychic or just have access to inside information from the Bilderberg group, who hatch these cunning plots, to further their own agenda? Like turning Britain into a militarized zone, with the approval of the people, who want this foot & mouth outbreak contained. Too the space of one week it is now nationwide and predictably spreading, like the plaque across Europe. You don't need to be psychic to realize food shortages and panic buying will result and the science minister Lord Sainsbury will profit enormously. Funny that!



02.03.2001 18:58

British tourists arriving in Thailand with a beef sandwich will be subject to arrest. If it wasn't true it would be hysterical!!


Re: Waste of time

03.03.2001 15:21

Obviously nothing I say is going to make you realise that voting for nobody - actually going to the ballot box and putting pen to paper - is the most powerful anarchic statement you'll ever be given the choice to make. Imagine on counting day - 70% spoilt ballots, 20% vote for NuLab and the rest to the Greens ;-) - what kind of mandate does that give any party to tell us how to live? It's the first step towards autonomous regions.

Oh well, I tried :)


Nobody cares if you boycott the election.
Nobody will remember you or your anger.
Don't forsake your right to vote!
Make sure you are on the electoral register, then
When it comes to ballot time, write:-

or just vote NOBODY - X
