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Lies Damned Lies and Iraq

YZ Magazine | 23.02.2001 12:15

Adam Porter on the reaction to the Iraq attack - follow the link below.

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23.02.2001 15:54

Let the truth be told, keep it up Adam.


yearzero is a funny publication

23.02.2001 18:00

yearzero contributor tim fuell managed to say something good about the most pernicious of blairite 'teamwork' tv programmes, 'big brother'. according to mr fuell, the right person won, not noticing that he might have been manipulated into wanting the right person to win, perhaps who was 'meant' to win...
'big brother', shamelessly plagiarising orwells' eponymous symbol of totalitarianism was clearly intended to get us to see the light side of cctv surveillance (note also, a peculiar ad for diamonds doing the tv schedules at the moment ) and together with 'weakest link' represents an absolutely nasty ethos of competitive social atomism. i protest at mr fuell's viewpoint, which makes me a fuell protester. ha ha ha

old grumbly