the cap'n | 23.02.2001 09:24
global women's strike -- march 8th
Why go on Strike?
Women and girls do 2/3 of the world's work for 5% of the
income. 2/3 of this work is unwaged.
Strike for:
- a world which values all
women's work and all
women's lives,
- an end to no pay, low pay
and too much work
*$800 billion a year is spend on military budgets
*$80 billion would provide the essentials of life - water,
sanitation, basic health, nutrition, education, and a
minimum income.
On 8 March 2001, women and girls will strike again to
demand that society invests in the enrichment of every life
rather than the enrichment of a few.
People everywhere are demanding a total change of
priorities. Women and girls do the work of giving birth to,
feeding and caring from the whole world. But this vital
work of survival and community is devalued and those who do
it are demeaned.
To overcome this sexism women are urged to compete with men
and with each other. We end up overworked, low paid and
divided - including by immigration controls which protect
the worst wages and conditions in most of the world.
Corporations are claiming ownership of genes and seeds so
the Global Market can further enslave and even replace us -
threatening life and our planet.
Of the world's 100 largest economic entities, 51 are
corporations and 49 are countries.
Women's work is only noticed when it's not done. Also
hidden is what we have in common as women internationally,
and the power we have when we take action together.
Wherever we are in the world we can all be greatly
strengthened by participating in a simultaneous
international action such as the Strike. We are all more
powerful when women are making the same demands worldwide,
beginning with those of us with the least. Women are adding
their own demands depending on their situation and where
they are in the world, and these local demands are
strengthened by women globally demanding financial
recognition for all the caring and other work we do.

Why go on Strike?
Women and girls do 2/3 of the world's work for 5% of the
income. 2/3 of this work is unwaged.
Strike for:
- a world which values all
women's work and all
women's lives,
- an end to no pay, low pay
and too much work
*$800 billion a year is spend on military budgets
*$80 billion would provide the essentials of life - water,
sanitation, basic health, nutrition, education, and a
minimum income.
On 8 March 2001, women and girls will strike again to
demand that society invests in the enrichment of every life
rather than the enrichment of a few.
People everywhere are demanding a total change of
priorities. Women and girls do the work of giving birth to,
feeding and caring from the whole world. But this vital
work of survival and community is devalued and those who do
it are demeaned.
To overcome this sexism women are urged to compete with men
and with each other. We end up overworked, low paid and
divided - including by immigration controls which protect
the worst wages and conditions in most of the world.
Corporations are claiming ownership of genes and seeds so
the Global Market can further enslave and even replace us -
threatening life and our planet.
Of the world's 100 largest economic entities, 51 are
corporations and 49 are countries.
Women's work is only noticed when it's not done. Also
hidden is what we have in common as women internationally,
and the power we have when we take action together.
Wherever we are in the world we can all be greatly
strengthened by participating in a simultaneous
international action such as the Strike. We are all more
powerful when women are making the same demands worldwide,
beginning with those of us with the least. Women are adding
their own demands depending on their situation and where
they are in the world, and these local demands are
strengthened by women globally demanding financial
recognition for all the caring and other work we do.

the cap'n
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