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Support Our Troops!

Linda Jones | 14.02.2001 21:09

Why suffer the collapse of the old bubble economy when you can participate in building the new productive economy?

Linda Jones
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15.02.2001 00:21

Banish money...introduce a barter system, disarm all troops, disinter all political prisoners, or those in for petty crimes, due to oppressive Draconian laws...stop building hideous corrugated, scaffolding style monstrosities, and make dwellings asthetically pleasing. Recover open-spaces and wastelands and convert them to grasslands. Make GM crops illegal and lets live happily ever after, without a government.



17.02.2001 00:20

Money is not a problem, don't let this red herring confuse you, money can work well as a token in a bartering system, greed is the problem, and wrong thinking.

wrong thinking in the form that the environment and the people can survive relentless economic expansion, wrong thinking that prosperity, riches and material wealth will bring peace, wrong thinking that clever technology is superior to wisdom and experience.

read E. F. Schumacher's "Small is Beautiful, economics as if people mattered" published in 1973,(Harper & Row) and more relevant today than ever, for a fantastically clear explanation.

act now!


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Unprovoked War

17.02.2001 03:07

Wrong thinking is our troops bombing, maiming and killing innocent civilians in the 'no-fly' zone of Iraq last night, in their quest for global control of oil...a sticky, dirty, black, liquid from under the ground. Insane.

NOT Smiley

Exchange Value

17.02.2001 20:01

Exchange value is the problem. Money is a cover for barter. It's a better way of bartering. I'm not an anarchist but rather a Red. However although I see a two stage rather than a one stage revolution, we both understand that the state (the family, religion and property) are all supported by and support exchange value.

From each according to their ability: to each according to their need.

Think about it. Really think about it. THere must be no mediation by authority. Please don't slag me for being non-revolutionary. Analyse how to get to anarchism and what indeed it means.

Ol' Red


19.02.2001 15:28

I wouldn't dream of slagging you 'Ol Red, for having an opinion. Anarchy should begin with exclusion of rigid laws and the advancement of social, community living. An exchange of goods and services, without money. Disregard for authoritarians, and basically, total liberty to thrive in a way which is compatible with nature.

Un Bridled