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Manifestaci—n contra la ley de extranjeria en Barcelona (Spanish and English)

el borinot | 05.02.2001 01:34

Esta ma–ana se realiz— en Barcelona una manifestaci—n contra la ley de extranjer’a, exigiendo "papeles para todos"

Manifestaci—n contra la ley de extranjeria en Barcelona (Spanish and English)
Manifestaci—n contra la ley de extranjeria en Barcelona (Spanish and English)

Esta ma–ana se realiz— en Barcelona una manifestaci—n contra la ley de extranjer’a, exigiendo "papeles para todos". Unas 50.000 personas (10.000 segœn la Guardia Urbana) partieron desde Plaza Catalunya, y bajaron por Via Laietana hasta llegar al Gobierno Civil, donde se ley— un comunicado y se explic— la situaci—n de los m‡s de 700 inmigrantes eque mantienen un encierro en protesta por la inminente expulsi—n que a ell@s y a much@s m‡s somete la nueva i fascista ley de extranjeria.

el borinot
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Mass Demonstration in Barcelona.(Translation)

05.02.2001 17:41

This morning (sunday 4th january) a massive demonstration took place in Barcelona against the new emigation laws in Spain introduced by the conservative and right-wing Popular Party governmet. The banner heading the demonstration read "Papers per Tothom" (Papers for Everyone)

Around 50,000 people (10,000 says the local police) marched trough downtown Barcelona, from the central Placa de Catalunya to the site of the Gobierno Civil (Civil Government) where a communique was read, and different speaches addressed the issues and situation of the more than 700 emigrants and asylum seekers that are currently occupying different churches and buildings around Barcelona city protesting against their possible imminent deportation from Spain.

Under the new fascist and racist emigration laws passed two weeks, any emigrant or asylum seeker found without papers can and must be deported from Spain whitin the space of 24 hours.

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