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Support for Tube Strikes Growing

Rev. O'Lushen | 28.01.2001 21:17

On Saturday afternoon the London Socialist Alliance held a demonstration outside the HQ of Railtrack,( Euston Station,) London.

Despite the cold weather, many members of the Socialist Alliance attended the call for renationalization of the rail network and a halt to the similar plans for the London Underground. The LSA will be fielding candidates in forthcoming elections and for those of you who will be voting, here is an option worth considering. The Campaign Against Tube Privatization (CATP) will also be contesting elections. (For that web link, try "" or run a search for "CATP".)
Mainstream news station London Direct ( 97.3 FM) has predicted that London may "grind to a halt" and will be giving full coverage on 5 Feb, when the first strike is due to commence. Sensationalism ? Possibly, but the vote for action was 90 % in some Union sections and the prospects are good.
Ken Livingstone has claimed that he is in full support of the strike too... well, demos usually attract a few political opportunists and other unreliable people, but so long as they dont jeopardise the struggle, they can be tolerated.

Rev. O'Lushen