Water cannon pics and latest : 3pm Davos
Kat | 27.01.2001 14:27
LATEST! 3:00pm Sat Jan 27 '01
The demonstrators succeeded in getting past two police barricades, but were driven back by police.
The Public Eye on Davos conference participants, including Vandana Shiva, came out to join the street protest and were attacked by police. Vandana Shiva, who attempted to climb over a police barrier, was grabbed and beaten with a baton. Vandana subsequently held a press briefing.
Latest: people seem to be dispersing...
Water Cannons Spraying, Tear Gas flying, Truncheons Swinging, Thousands Rebel!
2:18pm Sat Jan 27 '01
Latest reports as of 2pm: 400 protesters now on the streets in Davos, police using water cannons, Public Eye Conference participants joining protest. The village of Landquart is complety gridlocked, thousands of protesters who arrived by buses, train, cars, etc., attacked and tear-gassed... highways being blocked...
Out of nowhere, people who looked like tourists, skiers, etc., are joining the potest in the streets of Davos.
Hundreds who had managed to breach police barricades and advanced towards the Congress Center were sprayed with water cannons.
In Landquart, 40 km from Davos, several hundred or more than a thousand protesters, including 6 bus loads of labor union members and parliament members, who were blocked from going to Davos, have just blocked the main highway to Davos. Earlier, they were earlier gassed and attacked by police. All traffic in and around Landquart is completely griddlocked and locals and regular travelers caught in the middle are getting angry at police aggressiveness. All train traffic is jammed in the area as well, including possibly special trains carrying WEF participants.
Activists traveling from Geneva are currently blocking main highway between Zurich and Davos.
Mobile Phone Service in the region has been cut off.
The demonstrators succeeded in getting past two police barricades, but were driven back by police.
The Public Eye on Davos conference participants, including Vandana Shiva, came out to join the street protest and were attacked by police. Vandana Shiva, who attempted to climb over a police barrier, was grabbed and beaten with a baton. Vandana subsequently held a press briefing.
Latest: people seem to be dispersing...
Water Cannons Spraying, Tear Gas flying, Truncheons Swinging, Thousands Rebel!
2:18pm Sat Jan 27 '01
Latest reports as of 2pm: 400 protesters now on the streets in Davos, police using water cannons, Public Eye Conference participants joining protest. The village of Landquart is complety gridlocked, thousands of protesters who arrived by buses, train, cars, etc., attacked and tear-gassed... highways being blocked...
Out of nowhere, people who looked like tourists, skiers, etc., are joining the potest in the streets of Davos.
Hundreds who had managed to breach police barricades and advanced towards the Congress Center were sprayed with water cannons.
In Landquart, 40 km from Davos, several hundred or more than a thousand protesters, including 6 bus loads of labor union members and parliament members, who were blocked from going to Davos, have just blocked the main highway to Davos. Earlier, they were earlier gassed and attacked by police. All traffic in and around Landquart is completely griddlocked and locals and regular travelers caught in the middle are getting angry at police aggressiveness. All train traffic is jammed in the area as well, including possibly special trains carrying WEF participants.
Activists traveling from Geneva are currently blocking main highway between Zurich and Davos.
Mobile Phone Service in the region has been cut off.

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