Changes to Construction Safety Summit demo (27.02.01)
ivor | 25.01.2001 01:28
Below are the revised details of main action on 27th Feb at the “Construction Safety Summit”. Please note the protest march previously planned for 1pm from Euston has now been cancelled as the event in Westminster will be over by then.
Please encourage people to attend the event in Westminster from 8.30am.
Please encourage people to attend the event in Westminster from 8.30am.
Construction Safety Summit
Building Workers
Safety Campaigners
Environmental Activists
Trade Unionists
8.30am-Noon Feb 27th 2001
Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre
Parliament Square
Prescott has called a “construction safety summit” with all the big players in the industry; employers, clients, HSE and unions. This was originally meant to be a full day summit to discuss the appalling safety record in construction but has now been downgraded to a 3 hour meeting / photo-opportunity.
All the big contractors will be represented - Tarmac, Balfour Beatty, Costain, Laings, WS Atkins - the companies responsible for the deaths of building workers, destruction of the environment, privatisation of our hospitals, railways and schools.
The government might have downgraded the event - lets make sure we DON’T
For more information :
Construction kills one third of all those killed at work. Construction deaths in 1999 increased to 86. The numbers killed in the first six months in 2000 rose by 50% when 62 were killed.
Profits up by 23%, yet Construction Bosses break the law and get away with it. Fines are low and no director has been sent to prison for the death of a worker.
Tuesday 27th 2001 is the day the Government meets construction bosses, trades unions, safety experts and health and safety chiefs to discuss our lives.
When they hold their safety summit we will hold an alternative event and lobby in London. We urge you to stay away from work and join our protest.
The Construction Trades Unions are calling for a lobby of this safety summit.
Our Demands
No victimisation of safety representatives. Immediate re-instatement of anyone sacked for safety activity.
Roving Safety representatives elected by construction workers with the right to stop jobs, and issue improvement notices.
A new offence of corporate manslaughter must mean the heads of Companies, Chief Executives or Company Chairmen must pay the price and serve a term in prison if a worker or member of the public is killed through gross negligence.
Building workers are regularly exposed to deadly asbestos and other dangerous substances. 10,000 deaths a year from asbestos and other cancers. We demand full surveys and removal of all asbestos from the UK.
Building Workers
Safety Campaigners
Environmental Activists
Trade Unionists
8.30am-Noon Feb 27th 2001
Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre
Parliament Square
Prescott has called a “construction safety summit” with all the big players in the industry; employers, clients, HSE and unions. This was originally meant to be a full day summit to discuss the appalling safety record in construction but has now been downgraded to a 3 hour meeting / photo-opportunity.
All the big contractors will be represented - Tarmac, Balfour Beatty, Costain, Laings, WS Atkins - the companies responsible for the deaths of building workers, destruction of the environment, privatisation of our hospitals, railways and schools.
The government might have downgraded the event - lets make sure we DON’T
For more information :

Construction kills one third of all those killed at work. Construction deaths in 1999 increased to 86. The numbers killed in the first six months in 2000 rose by 50% when 62 were killed.
Profits up by 23%, yet Construction Bosses break the law and get away with it. Fines are low and no director has been sent to prison for the death of a worker.
Tuesday 27th 2001 is the day the Government meets construction bosses, trades unions, safety experts and health and safety chiefs to discuss our lives.
When they hold their safety summit we will hold an alternative event and lobby in London. We urge you to stay away from work and join our protest.
The Construction Trades Unions are calling for a lobby of this safety summit.
Our Demands
No victimisation of safety representatives. Immediate re-instatement of anyone sacked for safety activity.
Roving Safety representatives elected by construction workers with the right to stop jobs, and issue improvement notices.
A new offence of corporate manslaughter must mean the heads of Companies, Chief Executives or Company Chairmen must pay the price and serve a term in prison if a worker or member of the public is killed through gross negligence.
Building workers are regularly exposed to deadly asbestos and other dangerous substances. 10,000 deaths a year from asbestos and other cancers. We demand full surveys and removal of all asbestos from the UK.