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Listen live to Washington DC riot cops

ffwd by i-Contact video network | 19.01.2001 14:04

If you really want to know what is going on in Washington, and not just what you see on the mainstream media, you can listen in on the web to a police scanner set to DC Special Operations Command. Hear who is being arrested and what the police are planning.

Using the peer-to-peer technology of (i.e. sharing bandwidth), PenguinRadio has set up a couple police scanners that will be on all weekend during the Inauguration. The scanners are set to the DC Metro Police Special Operations frequency (A11) and the DC Police Second Distrcit (White House, GWU, IMF, G'town areas).

There is a lot of lingo (CDU=Civil Disobedience Unit) and "roadrunner " (Presidential motorcade) but you can also hear the cops doing all sorts of other things, from making arrests (they are always tracking "those guys in black") to ordering lunch ("three turkeys, two ham and some sodas for CDU 13").

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