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Marxist-Leninist Theory and Practice

Majdur, Marxist-Leninist Newswire | 12.01.2001 20:30

The two line struggle developed in 1995 after the infamous SIN chief Vladimiro Montesinos faked an "interview" on video tape which ostensibly "proved" that Chairman Gonzolo, President of the PCP(SL), who had been imprisoned in solitary confinement for over three years already, had called for an end to the peoples war.

Majdur, Marxist-Leninist Newswire
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Display the following 4 comments

  1. Come to Islam — Muslim
  2. Interesting, but — Revolutionary Socialists
  3. reply — majdur
  4. More Childishness From The Maoist Nursery — W.B.Reeves