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Politics, Power and People: Towards a Popular Radicalism

fw | 12.01.2001 06:39

A symposium to be held on February 10th 2001, At The Union Tavern, 52 Lloyd Baker St, London

Admission will be free, but you will need to register, and to tell us if you will want lunch for £5.00.
Please contact me ASAP to reserve your place (they will be limited). Toreserve a place contact Signs of the Times on 020 8257 1440 or send an e-mail with your details to

Can we imagine a politics for the new century which is both genuinely popular -motivating and inspiring people in their millions - and genuinely radical, committed to the democratic transformation of the globe? Can there be a future for progressive change without such a democratic populism?

From new Labour to Reclaim the Streets, a range of participants come together to discuss the problems and prospects for a politics which reaches out beyond the ghettos of the activist underground or the ivory towers of Westminster, Whitehall and the academy.

Speakers include Anthony Barnett (founder of Charter 88, author of This Time: Our Constitutional Revolution), George Mckay (author of Senseless Acts of Beauty and editor DiY Culture: Party & protest in nineties Britain),
Hilary Wainwright (Red Pepper ), Mary-Anne Stephenson (Fawcett Society) Mike Rustin (Soundings), Neal Lawson (Renewal), Katherine Ainger (New
Internationalist), John Jordan (Reclaim the Streets), Jeremy Gilbert (co-author Discographies: Dance music, culture & the politics of sound and co-editor Cultural Capitalism: Politics after new labour)

The day will take the form of two discussions. In each, a panel of speakers will respond to an opening talk from one member before bringing in as many participants as possible for a wide-ranging and in-depth conversation.

11:00-11:30 coffee

11:30-1:30 New Labour: Third Way or road to nowhere?

New labour may believe in good government, but are they enemies of democracy? Is the Third Way the only real alternative to Tory rule? Or is New Labour now the principle enemy for supporters of radical change?

Round-table discussion opened by Anthony Barnett, featuring Mike Rustin (Soundings), Neal Lawson (Renewal), Hilary Wainwright (Red Pepper) and Mary Anne Stephenson (Fawcett society).

1:30 –2:30 lunch

2:30-4:30 The ‘New’ Protest: Force for Change or Futile Gestures?

The ‘new’ direct-action movements have been amongst the most inspiring features of radical politics during the past decade. Are they the future of progressive social change or merely a spectacular diversion, irrelevant to
the lives of ordinary people?

Round-table discussion opened by George Mckay and featuring Katherine Ainger (New Internationalist), John Jordan (Reclaim the Streets), Jeremy Gilbert.
4:30-5:00 coffee

5:00-6:30 Final discussion involving all symposium participants.

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