Hackney campaign continues
Simon P | 10.01.2001 16:15
After a big success on December 20th the campaign against massive cuts in Hackney Councils Budget continues.
In the biggest industrial action in Hackney since the 1970s the council was almost entirely shut down by a 1 day Strike of 1000s of workers.
The councils unions had voted for industrial action and this was the first action. Over 300 workers picketed dozens of offices depots and schools in a day that over exceeded expectations!
Many areas had amazing support and even some senior mangers were out on strike. The local paper wrote its coverage the day before the strike (due to tight deadlines) and were forced to re-write the story in the light of the outstanding support received by the strike call.
Unfortunately it seems that management are now determined to raise the stakes and the Labour/Tory leadership are considering serving 90 day notices on all staff terminating contracts and offering re-engagement on lower terms and conditions. The council is also threatening to discipline the Unison Branch Secretary for challenging institutionalised racism (apparently this undermines confidence in the council’s internal procedures).
In January the strikes are expected to be either a 3 or a 5 day or an all out strike depending on the councils, so far negative, response. With industrial action at a level nationally not seen for decades, with an election and recession looming workers spirits are high.
And Hackney workers have like most of us, just had enough! Compared with the soaring cost of living in London, and even Hackney many workers are now receiving maybe 25% or 50% less than they were 10 years ago.
The council in November voted through wage cuts of 20-25% for 100s of manual workers...they can not be allowed to get away with this.
Info from Hackney Unison:
hackney@unisonfree.net or phone 0208 356 4130
But this is of course happening everywhere! It can be stopped People are talking about a 'antipolltax style' campaign...But that needs mass involvement...So get involved! Think Global ACt LOCAL!!!!!
For more info ring 07990635528
For previous Indymedia coverage of Hackney campaign see article on frontpage.
The councils unions had voted for industrial action and this was the first action. Over 300 workers picketed dozens of offices depots and schools in a day that over exceeded expectations!
Many areas had amazing support and even some senior mangers were out on strike. The local paper wrote its coverage the day before the strike (due to tight deadlines) and were forced to re-write the story in the light of the outstanding support received by the strike call.
Unfortunately it seems that management are now determined to raise the stakes and the Labour/Tory leadership are considering serving 90 day notices on all staff terminating contracts and offering re-engagement on lower terms and conditions. The council is also threatening to discipline the Unison Branch Secretary for challenging institutionalised racism (apparently this undermines confidence in the council’s internal procedures).
In January the strikes are expected to be either a 3 or a 5 day or an all out strike depending on the councils, so far negative, response. With industrial action at a level nationally not seen for decades, with an election and recession looming workers spirits are high.
And Hackney workers have like most of us, just had enough! Compared with the soaring cost of living in London, and even Hackney many workers are now receiving maybe 25% or 50% less than they were 10 years ago.
The council in November voted through wage cuts of 20-25% for 100s of manual workers...they can not be allowed to get away with this.
Info from Hackney Unison:

But this is of course happening everywhere! It can be stopped People are talking about a 'antipolltax style' campaign...But that needs mass involvement...So get involved! Think Global ACt LOCAL!!!!!
For more info ring 07990635528
For previous Indymedia coverage of Hackney campaign see article on frontpage.
Simon P