No Cease Fire in 2001 - Hostages Vow to keep on Fighting (1)
MOJUK | 07.01.2001 15:06
No Cease Fire in 2001 - Hostages Vow to keep on Fighting
This Bulletin: updates on Mark Barnsley, Gary Mills and Tony Poole, Stephen Downing
Updates on Eddie Gilfoyle and Satpal Ram to follow
\'Set Up For Life! - Campaign to Free Gary Mills and Tony Poole
Doing Extra Time for the Coppers Crime: 12 years of Injustice
We Will Win - Gary And Tony Will Be Free.
I\'ve been involved with Gary and Tony\'s campaign for almost as long as they have been inside. Over the years many people have come lent a hand in whatever way they could and now are gone. Once more the campaign is down to a small core group who will keep the momentum going and work towards and wait for the next lift in the campaign. This last Autumn the campaign was confronted with a refusal from the Criminal Cases Review Commission and we don\'t have great expectations from our efforts through the European Courts either(not that we ever get too excited about any court hearings.). But despite these set backs the core group is as determined as ever to see this through to a favourable end. And certainly Gary and Tony\'s resolve is setting more solid as the years go by. I went to visit them recently in ErIestoke. As usual they were in fine shape (I think Tony has finally stopped growing!) and good spirits despite all the present shit that they are having to put up with over their visits and move. Such aggravation is meant to wind them up in the hope that they will lash out ... but it\'s water off a duck\'s back. They\'ve taken it for so long it\'s all they expect from their pathetic sadistic jailers.
I always come away from a visit to Gary and Tony with my hatred of injustice and the cancerous system that lives off us re-ignited and my enthusiasm to work for their release and a better world for all of us recharged. I try to imagine if it were me who was in their shoes how my life would be different. I have two kids, one age 11 the other 5, could I imagine my life without all the good times (and bad) that I have spent with my kids. The friends and lovers that I have had over the past 12 years. My holidays abroad, walking the cliffs of Wales, swimming in the sea, getting drunk, time with my family. Heck put aside the high points what about all the mundane things like opening and closing doors when you want. Getting up when you want. Having a crap when you want. Sorry but it is as basic as that. And that isn\'t even putting into the equation being under the control of a bunch of murdering social misfits with an inferiority complex that is bigger than the whole prison population-of course I am referring to the screws.
I can\'t begin to grasp what it must be like for them or for that matter for their families despite the year of contact I have had with them. Could you spend a few moments to think back over the past 12 years of your life and then dare to think how you would feel if it had all been taken away from you.
Gary and Tony have so far lost 12 years. They have had support through those years and when victory is finally won they will have a long battle to come to terms with being on the outside once more. Luckily for them they will have some people to help them. Others have been less fortunate.
The Long March
Right this time we are gonna get it together. There\'s a couple of us prepared to do the whole distance and we will start to book the venues en route to hold the public meetings. We are confident that this action will draw a lot of attention to Gary and Tony\'s case. The LONG MARCH starts on August 1 Oth. Watch this space!
Campaign Meetings
Are held on every 1 st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at The Robin Hood on Bristol Road, Birmingham, starting it 2:00pm. The meetings last 2 hours at maximum and afl are welcome. There are ways to help the campaign with out being able to attend the regular meetings. If you have some time to spare then get in touch with Russ on 0121 246 0703.
Campaign Actions: There will be a picker of Bristol Crown Court on Friday January 26th
assemble 12.00 noon outside the court, (further details: Russ on 0121 246 0703).
\'Set up for Life\' new years resolution \"Not to allow Gary and Tony to become another Stephen Downing
Stephen Downing-Stephen Who?
Others have also waited far longer for the walls to come down. Stephen Downing is the latest to come to surface after 28 years he still awaits his appeal hearing. Convicted at the age of 17 for murder. He was working in a cemetery when he came across a woman battered and blood stained she later died. Stephen Downing had a reading age of an 11 year old, he was denied access to a solicitor and after lengthy police interrogation made a confession. That was it once the trap was sprung he was trapped. Sentenced to 15 years he has now served 28 refusing to accept guilt or go for parole. The prison authorities say he is still \'in denial\'. It\'s just beyond belief isn\'t it that these people can say these things and keep a straight face. I mean it\'s obvious they don\'t really think he is still \'in denial\'. If he isn\'t innocent he would have to be bleeding mad to stay in prison for 15 years longer than he needs to. But the lies and bullshit continue as the judicial system and the class riddled society we live under continues to try and keep up it\'s appearance of being about truth justice and fairness. you only have to look at the world we live in to see that it isn\'t Stephen Downing who is in denial. it is the government and those in power who are clearly \'still in denial\'
I for one am determined to continue with others to help expose their lies
and hope that one day we will all get the confidence to bury our legacy of oppression and injustice to create a free and equal world fit for all to live in and grow to our full potential as human beings.
A personal perspective by Russ from \'Set up for Life\'
Gary Mills & Tony Poole
This Bulletin: updates on Mark Barnsley, Gary Mills and Tony Poole, Stephen Downing
Updates on Eddie Gilfoyle and Satpal Ram to follow
\'Set Up For Life! - Campaign to Free Gary Mills and Tony Poole
Doing Extra Time for the Coppers Crime: 12 years of Injustice
We Will Win - Gary And Tony Will Be Free.
I\'ve been involved with Gary and Tony\'s campaign for almost as long as they have been inside. Over the years many people have come lent a hand in whatever way they could and now are gone. Once more the campaign is down to a small core group who will keep the momentum going and work towards and wait for the next lift in the campaign. This last Autumn the campaign was confronted with a refusal from the Criminal Cases Review Commission and we don\'t have great expectations from our efforts through the European Courts either(not that we ever get too excited about any court hearings.). But despite these set backs the core group is as determined as ever to see this through to a favourable end. And certainly Gary and Tony\'s resolve is setting more solid as the years go by. I went to visit them recently in ErIestoke. As usual they were in fine shape (I think Tony has finally stopped growing!) and good spirits despite all the present shit that they are having to put up with over their visits and move. Such aggravation is meant to wind them up in the hope that they will lash out ... but it\'s water off a duck\'s back. They\'ve taken it for so long it\'s all they expect from their pathetic sadistic jailers.
I always come away from a visit to Gary and Tony with my hatred of injustice and the cancerous system that lives off us re-ignited and my enthusiasm to work for their release and a better world for all of us recharged. I try to imagine if it were me who was in their shoes how my life would be different. I have two kids, one age 11 the other 5, could I imagine my life without all the good times (and bad) that I have spent with my kids. The friends and lovers that I have had over the past 12 years. My holidays abroad, walking the cliffs of Wales, swimming in the sea, getting drunk, time with my family. Heck put aside the high points what about all the mundane things like opening and closing doors when you want. Getting up when you want. Having a crap when you want. Sorry but it is as basic as that. And that isn\'t even putting into the equation being under the control of a bunch of murdering social misfits with an inferiority complex that is bigger than the whole prison population-of course I am referring to the screws.
I can\'t begin to grasp what it must be like for them or for that matter for their families despite the year of contact I have had with them. Could you spend a few moments to think back over the past 12 years of your life and then dare to think how you would feel if it had all been taken away from you.
Gary and Tony have so far lost 12 years. They have had support through those years and when victory is finally won they will have a long battle to come to terms with being on the outside once more. Luckily for them they will have some people to help them. Others have been less fortunate.
The Long March
Right this time we are gonna get it together. There\'s a couple of us prepared to do the whole distance and we will start to book the venues en route to hold the public meetings. We are confident that this action will draw a lot of attention to Gary and Tony\'s case. The LONG MARCH starts on August 1 Oth. Watch this space!
Campaign Meetings
Are held on every 1 st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at The Robin Hood on Bristol Road, Birmingham, starting it 2:00pm. The meetings last 2 hours at maximum and afl are welcome. There are ways to help the campaign with out being able to attend the regular meetings. If you have some time to spare then get in touch with Russ on 0121 246 0703.
Campaign Actions: There will be a picker of Bristol Crown Court on Friday January 26th
assemble 12.00 noon outside the court, (further details: Russ on 0121 246 0703).
\'Set up for Life\' new years resolution \"Not to allow Gary and Tony to become another Stephen Downing
Stephen Downing-Stephen Who?
Others have also waited far longer for the walls to come down. Stephen Downing is the latest to come to surface after 28 years he still awaits his appeal hearing. Convicted at the age of 17 for murder. He was working in a cemetery when he came across a woman battered and blood stained she later died. Stephen Downing had a reading age of an 11 year old, he was denied access to a solicitor and after lengthy police interrogation made a confession. That was it once the trap was sprung he was trapped. Sentenced to 15 years he has now served 28 refusing to accept guilt or go for parole. The prison authorities say he is still \'in denial\'. It\'s just beyond belief isn\'t it that these people can say these things and keep a straight face. I mean it\'s obvious they don\'t really think he is still \'in denial\'. If he isn\'t innocent he would have to be bleeding mad to stay in prison for 15 years longer than he needs to. But the lies and bullshit continue as the judicial system and the class riddled society we live under continues to try and keep up it\'s appearance of being about truth justice and fairness. you only have to look at the world we live in to see that it isn\'t Stephen Downing who is in denial. it is the government and those in power who are clearly \'still in denial\'
I for one am determined to continue with others to help expose their lies
and hope that one day we will all get the confidence to bury our legacy of oppression and injustice to create a free and equal world fit for all to live in and grow to our full potential as human beings.
A personal perspective by Russ from \'Set up for Life\'
Gary Mills & Tony Poole
