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Subvert the Election websites

Dan Brett | 23.12.2000 16:27

Labour and Tory domains have been bought up in anticipation of an electoral farce in May 2001.

Labour and Tory domains have been bought up in anticipation of an electoral farce in May 2001. Undeterred by the censorship of "Financial Crimes", the organisers have promised a subvertising campaign that'll dig the dirt on the ruling politicians and their disasterous "liberal democracy". Arms dealing, war-mongering, hypocrisy, corruption, racism and other tools of the capitalist system will be investigated by these sites, which will be identikit versions of the official sites.

Dan Brett
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found the cons easy enough

01.01.2001 15:13

but labour isnt coming up at all. modern technology, huh !

Dont forget, whatever you want to do for the election, you must be registered. I think councils have a late registration facility, and dont worry too much about them using it for tax checkups; they dont seem to take advantage of it, surprisingly.