Healing for Luna, Julia Butterfly, Winter Solstice, Dec. 22. Colombia drug war.
web of life | 15.12.2000 21:39
The ancient redwood tree, named Luna, where Julia Butterfly lived for over two years has been wounded. There will be a collective global healing for Luna during the Winter Solstice. Cannabis hemp saves trees! The drug war is heavily involved in the madness of planetary destruction by the corporate petrochemical-pharmaceutical complex. In Colombia the Republicrat, corporate flunkie, Clinton continues to OK damaging herbicide spraying in the name of the drug war.
Healing for Luna
Healing for Luna, Julia Butterfly, Winter Solstice, Dec. 22. Colombia
drug war.
Make this multiply. Spread this seed of truth.
Healing for Luna & Julia Butterfly. Winter Solstice, December 22, 2000.
Also, Colombian environmental destruction in the name of the U.S. Republicrat
drug war.
Summary: The ancient redwood tree, named Luna, where Julia Butterfly lived
for over two years has been wounded. There will be a collective global healing
for Luna during the Winter Solstice. Cannabis hemp saves trees! The drug war is
heavily involved in the madness of planetary destruction by the corporate
petrochemical-pharmaceutical complex. In Colombia the Republicrat, corporate
flunkie, Clinton continues to OK damaging herbicide spraying in the name of the
drug war.
See Colombia article after Luna news. Be sure to check out the attached Julia
and Luna-repair photo at the end. It is very inspiring.
Julia Butterfly and Renee Boje are both worthy activists who have taken
tremendous risks for their beliefs. Only a few images can be put on most
56K-modem-loaded webpages. Space was made for their faces on my home page:
*World Drug War Home Page.

Cannabis Hemp saves trees. 1 acre of hemp produces the same fiber and pulp as
4 acres of trees. And hemp fiber in paper and clothing lasts longer than tree or
cotton fiber, paper, or clothing.
--- forwarded message ---
From: "renee boje"


Subject: RB: Healing for Luna & Julia Butterfly
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 01:45:08

Attachments: LUNA_2copy.jpg
Please spread this message throughout the universe...
Dear Friends,
The ancient redwood tree, named Luna, where Julia Butterfly lived for over
two years has been wounded. Please See the attachment to this email and visit

for an update on Luna.
There will be a collective global healing for Luna during the Winter
Solstice, on December 22nd, at 7:30pm(Pacific Standard Time). We will be
visualizing the sap flowing through Luna, healing her wound and binding her
together solidly, so that she is able to withstand the wind this Winter. We are
also asking winter to be gentle with Luna this season.
Please take a moment to light a candle, say a prayer, or just send energy in
your own magical way toward Luna & Julia at that time.
Thank you! In unity and Love,
Renee Boje

Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :

--- end of forwarded message ---
Julia Butterfly Hill and the Luna Treesit. Dec. 9, 1999, 34 degrees
Fahrenheit, day number 729 of her continuous treesit to protest logging of
old-growth redwoods by Pacific Lumber/MAXXAM.

Circle of Life Foundation.

Video Collective.
"Julia is a powerful voice in the California medical marijuana movement,
as well, speaking out for B.E. Smith, Todd, Peter, Renee, and many others."

Has day number 729 photo above.

Has quote above.
Rachel\'s Environment & Health News
#713 - Echoes of Vietnam, December 07, 2000.

Echoes of Vietnam
by Rachel Massey*
In July, President Clinton signed into law a $1.3 billion aid package to step
up the "war on drugs" in Colombia and neighboring countries in South
America. Of this sum, $860 million is designated for Colombia itself, mainly as
aid to the military.[1] For three decades Colombia has been torn by civil war,
and the Colombian military has a well-documented record of human rights abuses
including disappearances, arbitrary detentions, kidnappings, and torture of
civilians.[2, pg. 20] The U.S. Congress made its "drug war" military
aid dependent upon the Colombian government improving its human rights profile,
but in August President Clinton waived this requirement so that funds could
begin to flow south. This month Mr. Clinton may waive the human rights
requirements once again so a second installment of aid can be released.
For a number of years the U.S. has sponsored herbicide spraying in Colombia,
intending to curb illegal drugs at their source. Starting in January 2001 under
U.S. oversight, the Colombian government will escalate its "crop
eradication" activities, in which aircraft spray herbicides containing
glyphosate to kill opium poppy and coca plants. Glyphosate is the active
ingredient in the well-known herbicide called Roundup. Opium poppy and coca are
the raw materials for making heroin and cocaine.
Representatives of Colombian indigenous communities recently traveled to
Washington, D.C. to explain how they have been affected by spraying that has
already occurred. Glyphosate, they said, kills more than drug crops -- it also
kills food crops that many rural Colombians depend on for survival. In some
places, the spraying has killed fish and livestock and has contaminated water
supplies. One photograph from a sprayed area shows a group of banana trees
killed by herbicides; nearby a plot of coca plants remains untouched.[3]
Sometimes the spray also lands on schoolyards or people\'s homes. Many Colombians
say they have become ill as a result.[4]
According to the NEW YORK TIMES, in one case several spray victims traveled
55 miles by bus to visit a hospital. The doctor who treated them said their
symptoms included dizziness, nausea, muscle and joint pain, and skin rashes.
"We do not have the scientific means here to prove they suffered pesticide
poisoning, but the symptoms they displayed were certainly consistent with that
condition," he said. A nurse\'s aide in the local clinic said she had been
instructed "not to talk to anyone about what happened here."[4]
The U.S. State Department denies that there are human health effects from
spraying glyphosate on the Colombian countryside. A U.S. embassy official in
Colombia told the NEW YORK TIMES that glyphosate is "less toxic than table
salt or aspirin" and said the spray victims\' accounts of adverse effects
were "scientifically impossible."[4] A question-and-answer fact sheet
published by the State Department says that glyphosate does not "harm
cattle, chickens, or other farm animals," is not "harmful to human
beings," and will not contaminate water. The fact sheet asks the question,
"If glyphosate is so benign, why are there complaints of damage from its
use in Colombia?" and answers: "These reports have been largely based
on unverified accounts provided by farmers whose illicit crops have been
sprayed. Since their illegal livelihoods have been affected by the spraying,
these persons do not offer objective information about the program.... "[5]
But medical reports link exposure to glyphosate herbicides with short-term
symptoms including blurred vision, skin problems, heart palpitations, and
nausea. Studies have also found associations with increased risk of
miscarriages, premature birth, and non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Formulations in which
glyphosate is combined with other ingredients can be more acutely toxic than
glyphosate alone.[6, pgs. 5-8] Monsanto, a major manufacturer of glyphosate-based
herbicides, was challenged by the Attorney General of New York State for making
safety claims similar to those now being repeated by the U.S. State Department.
In an out-of-court settlement in 1996, Monsanto agreed to stop advertising the
product as "safe, non-toxic, harmless or free from risk."[4,6]
Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota, a vocal critic of the "drug
war" military aid, visited Colombia last week. During his visit he was
treated to a demonstration of aerial crop eradication, in the course of which
the Colombian National Police managed to spray Senator Wellstone himself with
herbicides. According to the Minneapolis STAR TRIBUNE, this accident occurred
shortly after the U.S. Embassy in Colombia circulated materials explaining that
the spray was guided by "precise geographical coordinates" calculated
by computer. Colombian police said the accident had occurred because the wind
blew the herbicide off course.[7]
Both common sense and scientific studies tell us that wind can be expected to
blow aerially sprayed chemicals off course. For example, a 1992 study in Canada
calculated that a buffer zone of 75 to 1200 meters (243 to 3900 feet) could be
needed to protect non-target vegetation from damage during aerial spraying of
glyphosate.[8] And a 1985 article on glyphosate says, "damage due to drift
is likely to be more common and more severe with glyphosate than with other
Proponents of the "war on drugs" would like us to believe that the
more acres of South American countryside we spray with herbicides, the fewer
North American children will fall prey to drug pushers. But studies show that
herbicide spray campaigns are ineffective at stemming the flow of drugs. So long
as there is a demand for drugs, someone somewhere will supply them. Therefore
crop eradication programs simply waste tax dollars. Furthermore, a 1999 report
by the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO), a federal agency, concluded that
crop eradication efforts to date have failed.[2, pg. 16] According to the GAO,
the U.S. State Department escalated its support for aerial spray campaigns in
1996, and during the 1997-98 period, over 100,000 hectares (254,000 acres) of
the Colombian countryside were sprayed. But during this same period, net coca
cultivation in Colombia increased 50 percent.[2, pgs. 16-18]
On the other hand, tackling the drug problem within the U.S. by reducing drug
use can succeed. A study by the RAND corporation found that drug treatment
programs for cocaine users in the U.S. are 23 times as cost effective as efforts
to eradicate drugs at their source.[10] And yet, according to a 1999 U.S.
government report, the majority of Americans needing drug treatment went
untreated between 1991 and 1996.[11]
If dousing the Colombian countryside with herbicides is not an effective way
to diminish the drug problem in the U.S., it is worth asking what drives our
government\'s enthusiasm for this costly and destructive approach. One
explanation is that the "war on drugs" is a pretext for policies that
have little to do with drugs. Several U.S. industries stand to gain from U.S.
intervention in Colombia\'s civil war. The Occidental Petroleum Corporation, for
example, lobbied hard for the "drug war" military aid; and U.S.
companies that manufacture the military helicopters used in Colombia were major
supporters of the aid package.[12]
Waging an ineffective "war on drugs" abroad also helps to divert
attention away from the political role of drug policy within the U.S. A recent
report by Human Rights Watch, an organization that monitors and documents human
rights abuses throughout the world, says that drug control policies within the
U.S. have been the primary driver of this country\'s incarceration crisis, in
which the prison population has quadrupled since 1980. The U.S. now has more
than 2 million citizens behind bars. Rates of conviction and imprisonment are
much higher among nonviolent drug offenders who are black than among their white
counterparts.[13] Thirteen percent of black men in the U.S. -- more than one in
ten -- are not allowed to vote because they are in jail or were previously
convicted of a felony.[14]
Without the rhetoric of "fighting drugs," U.S. officials would have
to admit to the American public that we are intervening in another country\'s
civil war -- bringing back memories of Vietnam and other disastrous failures of
U.S. foreign policy. Unfortunately, the analogy to Vietnam is appropriate as
U.S. military involvement in Colombia deepens. During the Vietnam war, the U.S.
defoliated and contaminated Vietnam\'s forests with Agent Orange, a herbicide
composed of the chemicals 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T and routinely contaminated with the
carcinogen dioxin. American veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange suffer
elevated rates of diabetes and certain cancers, and veterans\' children have
elevated rates of major birth defects (see REHW #212 and #250). Under the banner
of the "war on drugs," in Colombia once again we are waging a toxic
war against another country\'s unique ecosystems and the health of innocent
* Rachel Massey is a consultant to Environmental Research Foundation.
[1] See

[2] U.S. General Accounting Office Report to Congressional Requesters,
"Drug Control: Narcotics Threat from Colombia Continues to Grow.
GAO/NSIAD-99-136 June 1999. Go to

and search for the report by number.
[3] See

[4] Larry Rohter, "To Colombians, Drug War is Toxic Enemy," NEW
YORK TIMES May 1, 2000, pgs. A1, A10
[5] U.S. State Department, "The Aerial Eradication of Illicit Crops:
Answer to Frequently Asked Questions," Fact sheet released by the Bureau of
Western Hemisphere Affairs, November 6, 2000, available at

[6] For a thorough review of glyphosate\'s adverse effects, see Caroline Cox,
"Glyphosate (Roundup)" Herbicide fact sheet, JOURNAL OF PESTICIDE
REFORM Vol 18, No. 3 (Fall 1998), updated October 2000, available at

to Pesticides, Eugene, Or.; Tel. 541-344-5044.
[7] Rob Hotakainen, "Colombian Police Spray Herbicide on Coca, Wellstone,"
Minneapolis STAR TRIBUNE December 1, 2000.
[8] D. Atkinson, "Glyphosate damage symptoms and the effects of
drift," in E. Grossbard and D. Atkinson, editors,THE HERBICIDE GLYPHOSATE
(London: Butterworth Heinemann, 1985), pgs. 455-458. ISBN 0408111534.
[9] Nicholas J. Payne, "Off-Target Glyphosate from Aerial Silvicultural
Applications, and Buffer Zones Required around Sensitive Areas," PESTICIDE
SCIENCE Vol. 34, 1992, pgs. 1-8.
[10] C. Peter Rydell and Susan S. Everingham, CONTROLLING COCAINE: SUPPLY
VERSUS DEMAND (Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND, 1994), ISBN 0-8330-1552-4, pg. xiii.
[11] Office of National Drug Control Policy, 1999 NATIONAL ANTI-DRUG
STRATEGY, Table 27, p. 130. Available at

[12] Sam Loewenberg, "Well-financed U.S lobby seeks relief from Drug
Wars," LEGAL TIMES February 21, 2000, available at

WAR ON DRUGS, March 1999, summary available at

or at

[14] Mary Gabriel, "13 Percent of Black Men in America Have No
Vote," REUTERS November 3, 2000.
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And the graphic above is also at the end of these copies of the message:



(a thread going on there)

web of life