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Letter from Subcommandante Marcos | 06.12.2000 18:17

Letter from Subcommandante Marcos to outgoing President Ernesto Zedillo, 'en route to nowhere' ; 30 November 2000
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Viva Chiapas! Viva Zapatistas

06.12.2000 18:40

Wow - the crunch has come for the running dogs of Mexican and NAFTA-based capital. Nice one - please come to the UK and show us how it is done!

Dan Anchorman

ViVa the Zapatista Seed!

08.12.2000 16:47

When the seed of a just-cause is planted by the populace, not even 100 Ernesto Zedillos(capitalist Pimps) can up-root it; but the people will continue to resist and uproot the parasites of society! The Zapatista fighters and volunteers globally will continue to fight and resist the criminals(bent-governments) any-where any-day!

Alluta Continua! ViVa Zapatista! ViVa the Silent Voices!

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