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Advice from the Legal Defence & Monitoring Group

Legal Defence & Monitoring Group | 19.11.2000 04:27

If you are (or have been)arrested then:

1. You only have to give your name and address.
2. Say NO COMMENT to any other questions.
3. Do NOT use a duty solicitor - we already have reports of one solicitor advising people to plead guilty on the 2nd May!
4. Ring either:
Blavo Sharp 07979 911 082
Moss & Co 020 7240 6350
Taylor Nichol 020 7272 8336
5. When you are bailed let LDMG know - 020 8245 2930 or write to us C/O BM Haven, London WC1N 3XX
6. Spread the word.

Legal Defence & Monitoring Group