MAYDAY 2001:mini-conference | 19.11.2000 04:24 | May Day 2001
Open mini-Conference on December 16th, 10am-5.30pm to discuss what to do for next years Mayday in the London area as part of the local and global celebration against capitalism and the state.
The aim of the conference is to invite all interested groups, organisations and individuals to decide what actions and events will be held for the celebration of MAYDAY 2001. All contributions are welcome as long as they are non-party political and anti-capitalist/state. These decisions will formulate a final co-ordinated framework of actions and events on Mayday in London.
Please bring fundraising ideas if possible, enthusiasm and co-operation. Lets make this a day to all meet up and build links in our local and global struggle against capitalism. There will also be a social event in the evening to celebrate past and future struggles.
For this mini-conference we hope to gain a consensus amongst the Anarchist/Anti-capitalist groups and individuals on a co-ordinated action(s) and event(s) to make Mayday 2001 a success.
If you are interested in attending please come along with a clear idea of your proposal, focussed on Mayday 2001. (This is NOT a conference on ideology, direction of the 'movement', party building etc…)
Please contact us soon as possible so we know how many people will be attending also if you need a crèche place (babies to 8 years old), 9-15 self-managed youth space or accommodation let us know before you come. (Note: there will not be a crèche available for the social event in the evening)
If you cannot attend please send in clear ideas ASAP and a hard copy by post if you are not using email. It is advised, if using email, to obtain a 'hushmail' email account from Emails sent between hushmail email account holders are immediately encrypted and therefore much harder to monitor.
Contact us at:
or email:
MAYDAY 2001: mini-conference Order of things:
* 10.00am – Refreshments informal introductions
* 10.30am – Start: Introductions and outline of the aim of the conference
* 11.00am – Presentations of the ideas* for Mayday from different groups/individuals
* 12.00pm – Working groups to discuss and develop ideas for actions/events
* 1.00pm – Break for Lunch (Vegan food will be served)
* 2.00pm – Presentations from the working groups
* 3.45pm – Break
* 4.00pm – Discussion and decision on choice of actions/events
* 5.00pm – Setting up working groups and structure to organise Publicity/fundraising/venues/specific tasks.
* 5.30pm – Finish: There will be a social event in the evening, details will be announced at the mini-conference.
People are asked to respect each others space and also to support the facilitator in her or his role. The meetings will be no smoking and no drinking. All mobile phones must be switched off. Journalists are not welcomed. No filming or photography is allowed in the building.
We must also stress that you should always be cautious on what you say, as is the case with many people, you will not necessary know everyone but hopefully that'll change during the course of the day. Any person who is disruptive or who continually pushes a party political line will be asked to leave.
*If you have an idea of what you like to do or see others help you to do for next years mayday then please write it out (preferably typed) photocopy a few hundred and bring them down to the mini-conference. A photocopier will be available on the day but its use is limited. Also don't forget to send us a copy through the post and/or email. Details on how to contact us are overleaf.
Venue: The Button Factory, Hardess street, off herne hill road, Brixton. Nearest tube Brixton, directly next to Loughbourough Junction Train Station.
Please bring fundraising ideas if possible, enthusiasm and co-operation. Lets make this a day to all meet up and build links in our local and global struggle against capitalism. There will also be a social event in the evening to celebrate past and future struggles.
For this mini-conference we hope to gain a consensus amongst the Anarchist/Anti-capitalist groups and individuals on a co-ordinated action(s) and event(s) to make Mayday 2001 a success.
If you are interested in attending please come along with a clear idea of your proposal, focussed on Mayday 2001. (This is NOT a conference on ideology, direction of the 'movement', party building etc…)
Please contact us soon as possible so we know how many people will be attending also if you need a crèche place (babies to 8 years old), 9-15 self-managed youth space or accommodation let us know before you come. (Note: there will not be a crèche available for the social event in the evening)
If you cannot attend please send in clear ideas ASAP and a hard copy by post if you are not using email. It is advised, if using email, to obtain a 'hushmail' email account from Emails sent between hushmail email account holders are immediately encrypted and therefore much harder to monitor.
Contact us at:
or email:

MAYDAY 2001: mini-conference Order of things:
* 10.00am – Refreshments informal introductions
* 10.30am – Start: Introductions and outline of the aim of the conference
* 11.00am – Presentations of the ideas* for Mayday from different groups/individuals
* 12.00pm – Working groups to discuss and develop ideas for actions/events
* 1.00pm – Break for Lunch (Vegan food will be served)
* 2.00pm – Presentations from the working groups
* 3.45pm – Break
* 4.00pm – Discussion and decision on choice of actions/events
* 5.00pm – Setting up working groups and structure to organise Publicity/fundraising/venues/specific tasks.
* 5.30pm – Finish: There will be a social event in the evening, details will be announced at the mini-conference.
People are asked to respect each others space and also to support the facilitator in her or his role. The meetings will be no smoking and no drinking. All mobile phones must be switched off. Journalists are not welcomed. No filming or photography is allowed in the building.
We must also stress that you should always be cautious on what you say, as is the case with many people, you will not necessary know everyone but hopefully that'll change during the course of the day. Any person who is disruptive or who continually pushes a party political line will be asked to leave.
*If you have an idea of what you like to do or see others help you to do for next years mayday then please write it out (preferably typed) photocopy a few hundred and bring them down to the mini-conference. A photocopier will be available on the day but its use is limited. Also don't forget to send us a copy through the post and/or email. Details on how to contact us are overleaf.
Venue: The Button Factory, Hardess street, off herne hill road, Brixton. Nearest tube Brixton, directly next to Loughbourough Junction Train Station.