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IMF Head Given a Red Wine Welcome at Oxford!

Oxford Global Action | 13.11.2000 17:30

A carnival like anti-IMF atmosphere greeted the arrival of ex-IMF head to Oxford.

On N9, Oxford Global Action undertook its first protest, against the IMF in Oxford. Despite what seemed like targetted censorship of our posters, around 60-80 people turned up to protest against the IMF on the steps of the examination halls on the High Street, where the ex-IMF head was to give a talk. Many people turned up dressed for a party and TV cameras and the local press had obviously heard about the event.

Banners attacked the IMF and factsheets which had been prepared in advance advised the potential audience of the facts about the IMF. Speeches were given on the steps of the examination halls before the demonstrators tried to enter the talk. The university police refused entrance not only to the demonstrators, but also to many who had travelled many miles to hear the talk (one person travelled from Amsterdam to hear the talk and was refused entrance!). After some pretty physical work, with lecturers, students, activists and members of the public working together to force the doors open, we stormed in: the principle of free speech and the fact that this was a public lecture ensured that everyone had good reason to hear this 'great mans' words.

Unfortunately, the police had already closed some metal gates which led to the hall itself, so we hung around the entrance hall. After some time, a number of people went back to have a rally on the front steps, and finally a small number of demonstrators managed to get into the lecture (getting in with a number of self-important people and lecturers). The lecture would have been a comedy experience, except fro the fact that Camdessus seemed to be serious about "development is another word for peace", "the IMF has succeeded wonderfully", "humanising globalisation", and "the IMF has the potential to stop all wars!". What a load of crap - luckily the factsheets had been given out and most of the audience were looking carefully at the real facts. Difficult questions were asked which were simply shrugged off [he lied in his answers] and then we all retired to a private function with free red wine, food and lots of university proctors and 'special' people.

As everyone gathered round the madman, asking him arse-licking questions, a couple of demonstrators approached him to ask some rather more realistic questions. The university police were most concered and this concern was warranted, when unexpectedly, two glasses of red wine soaked Camdesses and left him looking like he'd been physically assualted. The liberal and polite atmosphere changed to one of shock, and the police quickly threw the activist to the ground and removed the rest of the 'subversives'. Fortunately, a good photo of the mans red-wine-soaked-head was taken before leaving. The university officials were most concerned, as this was the most important talk they had organised all year! I don't think many of us will be allowed to do an MA at Oxford .

All in all, a successful demonstration: the leaflets left everyone thinking that the talk *sounded* good, but was actually a load of nonsense; the carnival atmosphere got good attention, and the red wine incident ensured that everyone knew that the IMF can't get away with its crimes and blatant lies anywhere. SHUT DOWN THE IMF!

Oxford Global Action
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14.11.2000 09:47

I applaud all your efforts. The IMF/World Bank have not answered one simple question - why after 50+ years of their aid are most third world countries still wracked with poverty?

They need to know that wherever they are we will resist!

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Red vin man

14.11.2000 12:56

Congratulations - get the photo on the site, that's the kind of reportage that this site is best at.

I think that the action to throw red wine over him will make him realise that if he continues to rationalise on behalf of an evil, power-crazed, anti-people organisation like the IMF then he will incur the anger of people who are informaed about REAL issues.

Keep it up. Respect!



15.11.2000 23:39

Quick update on what happened to the wine throwers. One woman was arrested and charged with criminal damage. Whilst Camdessus didn't want to press charges, the bloke standing next to him who also got splattered with the wine did. Unfortunately(!) the wine damaged his £2000 Armani coat and the woman was charged with £2000 worth of damage. She pleaded guilty yesterday on the basis that the prosectuion prove that the coat couldn't be dry-cleaned, and failing that, that a replacement coat would cost £2000. The case was adjourned for two weeks. What the fuck he was doing wearing an Armani coat to discuss world poverty is anyone's guess.

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1 month jail for a pieing

01.09.2001 16:31

Congratulations to the above for that righteous action.
In oz an activist is appealing a 1 month sentence for pieing brutal ignorant state premier,'batonhead'steve bracks.
A moronic tv presenter pied a footballer and wasnt even charged.A mockery of justice!
Keep operation dessert storm rolling and throw in free drinks. luv from aussiland.

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