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Hackney rally and streetparty

- | 06.11.2000 21:53

After a day of actions, demonstrations and pickets against social benefit cuts, almost a thousand protestors gathered at 6pm in front of Hackney Town Hall to show their anger about the council's "austerity" measures - taking money from the poorest.

The rally coincided with a council meeting that took place at the same time inside the building, and at which some of the most drastic measures were to be decided. Hundreds of council workers, members of community groups, workers and residents - supported by Reclaim The Streets activists and a Samba Band - gathered in front of the Town Hall chanting "No more cuts!"

Speakers from several unions and community groups explained how the council had wasted large sums of money up until its final bankruptcy and suggested that the council should be held responsible - not the residents suffering under the present cuts.

To the rythm of Samba drums the crowd finally moved onto the street, blockaded it and started a cheerful streetparty. A small number of riot cops was ordered to block one side of the street but were only watching as hundreds of people were dancing in the pouring rain. After almost two hours of party the crowd moved in front of Hackney Town Hall again to listen to the final speeches and then dissolved.



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fantastic demo

10.11.2000 12:57

Monday was terrific. The best protest we have had outside Hackney Town Hall I have been on.(And unfortunately there have had to be many over the past few years due to the constant cuts).
When the torrential rain started pouring down the cops and councilors must have been hoping that the demo would be a wash out. But we kept drumming and chanting and it made the day even better.
The spirit of Hackney workers and residents plus supporters was an inspiration. Well done to the samba band!

One thing puzzles me though. You report the demo supported by workers, community groups, residents and Reclaim the Streets. But you forget to mention the Socialists. Of course many socialists are council workers and UNISON stewards, parents occupying nursuries and Hackney residents. But it sounded a little bit like you were deliberately excluding them! The photos pretty much miss their placards somehow.
(A bit like the Prague documentary on TV which managed to avoid showing any socialists placards--odd when there were thousands there--but that's the TV companies for you)
We can't fall into the same trap. Unity is strength, lets not get sectarian towards each other.

In solidarity, see you on the next day of action.
Let's beat the cuts.

a hackney resident

Hackney Strikeback!

14.12.2000 23:03

There is a bigger Day of Action in Hackney on Wednesday 20th december. The three main unions voted overwhelmingly for strike action and the first strike is on this day ( to be followed by longer strikes in january).Following picketting in the morning there will be a rally at midday at the Town hall followed by a March on the City!!! highlight the £65 million Hackney PAYS the Banks in interest each year and because the council recently sold a site there for £86million. At 6 pm there is another Rally at the Town Hall to protest at / try to stop the Full Council meeting passing another 7% cuts! Enough of yer Globe trotting to Seattle, Prague and Nice this is here and now!!! Think Global ! Act Local!

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