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Support the fuel tax protesters

G W F H | 02.11.2000 18:12

If the farmers and truckers renew their campaign , support it !

The campaign has been naive and apolitical up to now, backing off when they realised their strengths, but they excluded the fascist elements that tried to inflitarate them, and provided they continue to do so, on that condition, i think we should support them against Blair's christian populism, against Straws falange, the conglomerate of trades union leaders, police, military and capitalists.
the proletariat were defeated in 1984; if the farmers are also crushed, there will be no independent class remaining in Britain, giving Blair a free hand in his chiristian project. Dont let him try it !



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Block the Fuel Tax Protestors!

02.11.2000 19:12

I can understand that after decades of Thatcherism it has become hard to believe... but SOMETIMES GOVERNMENTS CAN BE RIGHT! Not necessarily for the right reasons,maybe... but anyone with half a brain and an instinctive opposition to the forces of oppressive self-interest and ecological destruction MUST OPPOSE THE FUEL TAX PROTESTS!
The fact that the truckers daedline expires on Monday 13th November - the start of the Hague Convention on World Climate Change - gives the day added resonance. So come on, if you really want to Reclaim the Streets, oppose the greedy, manipulative oil companies, the angry Tory company-car-man, the small-minded, self-interested truckers and farmers and give them some back:-
1. Block the motorway to stop the truckers convoy.
2. Outnumber the Fuel Tax Protestors at Ellesmere Port.
3. Hold a demo in London on the 14th (in place of that planned by the truckers... who'll still be at Scotch Corner)

John Sprackland
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We want free public transport

03.11.2000 00:03

I fail to see how taxing the working class off the roads is going to protect the environment. If Blair, Brown, Prescott & Meacher really want to reduce fuel emissions and traffic congestion there is one simple policy they can take: MAKE PUBLIC TRANSPORT FREE. They can slash the police budget, the military budget and corporate welfare and scrap all tax on fuel at the same time.

While the self-imposed leadership of the protests is made up of reactionary organisations like the Road Hauliers Association and the NFU, the grassroots protesters are ordinary working class people like us who don't want to be screwed over by the government any more. And it is a myth that they are Tories - the Conservatives introduced the fuel escalator in the first place.

The real enemies of the environment are not motorists - they are the oil multinationals, car manufacturers and the whole capitalist system which values profits over people and the planet.

Earth first, compromise never.

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Confused but concerned

03.11.2000 10:03

Yeah - loads of varied perspectives but one thing emerges from all the debate ... people are realising the power they have to effect change through direct action.

Question? Should we turn our backs on this movement (the anti-fuel tax lobby) or become involved and try and introduce a more eco-aware perspective so that it moves on from being quite small-minded and single-focused into a movement for REAL issues affecting everybody's lives like demands for FREE PUBLIC TRANSPORT.

Also feel that the people spearheading the campaign however are people who profitted from breaking NUM strike in 1984 like road hauleirs did, pressed for more roads to be built like road hauliers did and have happily tortured animals and poured chemicals on the land like many farmers have. I know that is a bit simplistic but IF we are to try and build someting together we need to be aware of the fundamental nature of potential allies.

Whatever, let's get onto the streets of London and take over for however long we can - more people demanding movement on issues relating to the TRANSPORT FIASCO in this country can only be a good thing.

In solidarity with the progressive, anti-racist, anti-sexist, pro-people non-hierarchical movements out there. Respect.


fuck off

03.11.2000 13:56

go back to skool


Some related info

03.11.2000 14:21

I really can't believe the top posting here suggesting people support the protests because the farmers are the last remaining independent class in Britain - i ask you!?

Anyway schnews has it's take and some info on the Climate Change Conference at the Hague which clashes with 13th deadline:

Notes on the BNP's website at:

Was intresting to see everyone seeming to have a go at SHELL in the news recently - ooh they're making obscene money of the backs of decent hardworking people in this country - well what about the people who live in the lands SHELL operates in and the destruction done in other places?

D Ash

G W F H adds:

03.11.2000 16:35

Glad my little posting has been of interest. Sorry its short, but i didnt want to go over what Ive already said before at length. Check the archive and you'll see some coverage.
The protesters have not gone over to the right wing. Sure, they're hanging around, but the organizers, such as David Handley, reiterate their NONpolitical, and frankly, rather naive arroach to the matter. If they at least continue to block the BNP, we should give them some backing.
D Ash gets straight to my central point- if the farmers are defeated, who holds power in this country ?
Not the working class, thats for sure! Thatcher put a stop to that one. But after all that Blair has done, do we really want to give him MORE political credit ? "New Britain", "National Moral Purpose", "Third Way", NATO, ... please see what kind of ideology he has. Its the kind of thing you've read about in other countries, and the assemblage that the Shadowy Home Secretary Straw has put together can only be described as a "falange": trades unions, capitalists, military, army, all 'united', against bankrupt farmers ? Wake up, all of you doubtful greenies, and see whats shaping up.
Theres a fascinating book I was tipped off about through Indymedia, "The Iron Heel", written by Jack London [of all people]. Its a distinctly eerie account of what failing to defend the struggle for class rights can end up in: Dictatorship. If its right wing nutters you're worried about, the BNP are not the only kind...