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shalom imc praha friends

Ronen Eidelman | 28.10.2000 03:28

got back from praha to a real war, this my personal confused look at the situation in the middle east:

the situation now in israel is really fuckedup. the so called peace agreement (oslo) blew up in many naive liberal faces and many people on the israeli side are confused and angry. many Palestinian friends feel
betrayed by the israeli left and also chose to not work together anymore.i feel very weak and confused but we are still a small group of committed people who are trying not to go into despair, and see the situation through rational eyes and not through emotions and the tribal instics that have to be fought all the time.

i'm writing and going to peace rallies (unfortunately they are very small). we built a indymedia site on the situation - , and trying to get the message across but we feel no one is really listening and are to busy shooting and blaming the other side. we are giving out free subscriptions of our magazine (42 degrees) to soldiers and police who refuse to serve in the territories or stop demos. one soldier already refused, i hope more will follow soon.

we set up imc-israel as fast as we could, we starting to reach lots of people and the site is not bad. we are aware of the name problem and we are working on changing the name to imc-middle east or
imc-palastian/israel, any suggestions? please remember, this war is not about Israelis killing Palestinians ,or about arabs fighting jews, this is not our war.

i encourage fighting Israeli institutions, please fight and action against the state of Israel, but do not fight the Israeli people or jews.

well, hope the next posting will bring good news.
Ronen Eidelman, Tel-aviv

Ronen Eidelman