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City of London News Update

jjf | 25.10.2000 12:05

Animal rights protesters occupy building

As received from : on Wed, 25 Oct 2000 09:57:10 +0000

Animal Rights Protesters have entered and occupied a bank in Ropemaker Street. Security staff are requested to be vigilant and exercise vigorously access control.

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follow up news

26.10.2000 00:16

more news from the city side, received 25/10/00, 13:59:15:

Regarding my earlier message about animal rights demonstrators occupying a bank in Ropemaker Street. They have now left the premises and are demonstrating peacefully outside a bank in Farringdon Street. I will attempt
to find out what exactly happened so that we can all learn from this incident, and will circulate the information as soon as possible.

Paul Eskriett
Principal Security & Contingency Planning Adviser.

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