Prague Solidarity Action - Wed 18.10.00
from allsorts list | 19.10.2000 13:29
On Wednesday 18th October 2000, a group of around 60-70 people took part in a solidarity action with those remaining in jail following last month's actions against the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank in
Around 30 people occupied the seminar rooms of the Career Development Unit at Sussex University to prevent a World Bank "Young Professionals" recruitment day from taking place. Occupiers barricaded themselves into the rooms, daubing the walls with statements of prisoner solidarity, anti-World Bank, anti-capitalist and anti-state graffiti. Similar graffiti had been daubed across the university campus the previous night. The occupation continued until hearing that the seminar, and the interviews expected to follow, had been cancelled.
The group then moved downstairs to blockade the room where the World Bank representative was being held 'for his own safety'. Leaflets reading Capitalism? No thanks. We Will Burn Your Fucking Banks!! and copies of the spoof newspaper "Financial Crimes" were handed out to those hoping to attend the seminar. Simultaneously, an anti-World Bank banner was hung from a nearby window, exits were barricaded, fire alarms set off and passers-by were leafleted.
When the World Bank representative was finally escorted from the building he was harangued by a large group of people and had his taxi blockaded for around 20 minutes. One woman managed to open the door of the taxi and place a pie in the fat cat's face as a final goodbye.
No arrests were made.
Those occupying the Career Development Unit issued the following demands and statement of solidarity,
During the recent actions against the IMF and World Bank in Prague 859 people were arrested. Most have now been released. However, several 'internationals' and an unknown number of Czechs remain in prison. Many others await prosecution. Most of the prisoners were tortured. We are
currently occupying the building at Sussex University where a World Bank recruitment seminar was to be held. We do so in solidarity with all those still subject to police brutality and prosecution. Our demands are:
1) The immediate release of all remaining prisoners.
2) The halting of prosecutions against those who took part in the demonstrations.
3) The immediate return of all property confiscated from arrestees.
4) World-wide proletarian revolution with unlicensed pleasure as it's only goal!!
Many of those who took part in today’s actions pledge that until our demands are met actions will continue!
NB Praha Jail solidarity website inc updates from OPH legal group can be found at
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The group then moved downstairs to blockade the room where the World Bank representative was being held 'for his own safety'. Leaflets reading Capitalism? No thanks. We Will Burn Your Fucking Banks!! and copies of the spoof newspaper "Financial Crimes" were handed out to those hoping to attend the seminar. Simultaneously, an anti-World Bank banner was hung from a nearby window, exits were barricaded, fire alarms set off and passers-by were leafleted.
When the World Bank representative was finally escorted from the building he was harangued by a large group of people and had his taxi blockaded for around 20 minutes. One woman managed to open the door of the taxi and place a pie in the fat cat's face as a final goodbye.
No arrests were made.
Those occupying the Career Development Unit issued the following demands and statement of solidarity,
During the recent actions against the IMF and World Bank in Prague 859 people were arrested. Most have now been released. However, several 'internationals' and an unknown number of Czechs remain in prison. Many others await prosecution. Most of the prisoners were tortured. We are
currently occupying the building at Sussex University where a World Bank recruitment seminar was to be held. We do so in solidarity with all those still subject to police brutality and prosecution. Our demands are:
1) The immediate release of all remaining prisoners.
2) The halting of prosecutions against those who took part in the demonstrations.
3) The immediate return of all property confiscated from arrestees.
4) World-wide proletarian revolution with unlicensed pleasure as it's only goal!!
Many of those who took part in today’s actions pledge that until our demands are met actions will continue!
NB Praha Jail solidarity website inc updates from OPH legal group can be found at

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