A Letter to Czech Ministry of Justice...
Sandy Walker | 28.09.2000 10:10
A letter to Czech Ministry of Justice and to President Havel's office requesting human rights compliance for S26 prisoners... call for email campaign on prisoners' behalf...
Czech letter-html Hello, This is a letter I sent today to the Czech Ministry of Justice, with a copy to the President of the Czech Republic. I include the emailaddresses for your convenience. I intend also to forward copies to the appropriate UN offices and to Amnesty International. I suggest that everyone write these offices and post to IMC addresses of any other offices which may be able to assist in this matter. The next steps must be taken to ensure the safety and just treatment of the S26 protesters. CONGRATULATIONS ON SHUTTING THE MEETING DOWN EARLY. WE ALL HAVE WON A MAJOR BATTLE THROUGH YOUR EFFORTS!
president@hrad.cz To: (add address) I urge you to take immediate action to ensure the rights of the S26 prisoners in Prague. In the world's eyes, they are entitled to due process. This includes the right of protection while in custody from all unnecessary restraints, such as shackles or cuffs; the right of protection from physical or sexual assault; the right to see their lawyers or representatives immediately, and on a daily basis; the right to contact by telephone with their families; the right to medical attention from medical personnel other than those employed by the prison/jail systems; the right to speedy arraignment and the right to post bail, within 24 hours now, as they have already been held for 24 hours. In addition, I would like to have public media representatives, including those of the Independent Media Center, to be allowed access to the jail(s) where the protesters are being held, in order to reassure the world of their condition and the quality of their treatment while in your custody. I am forwarding copies of this email letter to the Czech president's office, to Amnesty International, and to any other persons or organizations that I feel will help to ensure the rights of the S26 prisoners. Thank you for your speedy compliance with established humanitarian standards for the treatment of all prisoners. (signature)

Sandy Walker